Costa Rica 13th-29th March 2022 in conjunction
with Steve Bird’s wildlife Tours
We landed at San Jose on a steamy evening just before
sundown but a lengthy wait to get nervously through customs precluded any from
the van birding on the way to the Robledal Hotel on the
outskirts of the capital. However, while waiting for Ramon to fight his way
through the traffic to pick us up, noisy Great Tailed Grackles were seen
in the palms by the taxi rank which gave all the newbies their first tick of
the adventure.
It was good to see Steve and Gina again and we were soon
booked in for the night and eating ‘dinner’. A concert was going on somewhere
nearby and the planes were so low that they felt like they were going to land
on the hotel but it all went quiet before too long and there was just the sound
of the wind, city life, cicadas and occasional ‘poo, poo, poo’ of Ferruginous Pygmy
Owls to lull us excitedly into our first sleep back in Costa Rica.
Unsurprisingly I was up with the lark or in the CR case, the
Clay Coloured Thrushes who make up the bulk of any initial dawn chorus regardless
of where you are. I stood outside and
listened to the hotel grounds wake up and was joined before too long by most of
the party. Dad, Julie and Angie came
last time and knew what to expect but it was still good to see the anticipatory
smiles so early in the day.
Clay Coloured Thrushes pre-dawn
The Thrushes were soon joined by the Flycatchers with
Tropical Kingbirds (TKs), Kiskadees and Social Flycatchers on the wires and
foraging around the palm fruit and two illuminous Spot Breasted Orioles
bedecked in orange and black became the first new bird of the trip for me
although they did not linger long. Summer, Blue-grey and Palm Tanagers squeaked and a
pair of Lineated Woodpeckers came in and landed on a palm stump just a few
meters away before performing a ‘you can’t see me’ dance around each other. Red
Billed Pigeons and White-winged Doves were cooing in various ways and pairs of
scaly Inca Doves tottered around the lawns.
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Clay-coloured Thrush |
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Great Kiskadee
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Tropical Kingbird
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Tropical Kingbird |
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Lineated Woodpecker |
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White-winged Dove |
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Inca Doves |
No more than ten steps had been made from the room at this stage and so with everyone up we had a look around the grounds where
chipping Yellow Warblers were up I the canopy along with a Yellow-green Vireo and
several Baltimore Orioles. There was no one peering out of the owl box but the
Ferruginous Pygmy was soon found glaring furiously down at us from a tree.
Despite being a common species we only saw one last time so it was good to have
such close prolonged views on the first morning.
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Ferruginous Pygmy Owl |
House Wrens were in song and Rufous Backed Wrens soon joined
in and could be seen clambering around. Seeing such a big wren for the first
time was a surprise to most. Melodious
Blackbirds and Grackles strode about the lawn and two Cinnamon-bellied (used to
be Grayish) Saltators were picking at flower buds. Quite a few taxonomic
changes have occurred since my first visit and I will do my best to keep up to
date! Cinnamon Hummingbirds were around the Verbena but we could not find the Canivet's Emeralds but a male Plain-capped Starthroat was ample compensation.
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Melodious Blackbird |
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Cinnamon Hummingbird |
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Plain-capped Starthroat |
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Plain-capped Starthroat |
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Hummingbird nest |
The first Black and Turkey Vultures cruised through the blue
and Yellow-headed Caracara and several Snowy and Cattle Egrets came over while
small groups of Finsch’s Parakeets whizzed over but never stopped. Blue & White Swallows milled about and with them were Barn and Northern Rough-winged
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Black Vultures |
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Variegated Squirrel |
I was already excited by the collection of pre-breakfast
birds and I am sure that the others were similarly enthused. I remember that
first morning in 2020 all too well; everything new, unfamiliar and exciting.
Breakfast was taken (like most places) almost outside and a
male Summer Tanager and pair of Hoffmann’s Woodpeckers joined us for their own
fruity repast.
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Hoffmann’s Woodpecker |
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Dad with his first Beans, Rice and Plantain breakfast of the trip |
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Orchid sp |
It was soon time to hit the road for the drive north and
there was plenty to see en route through a largely agricultural countryside dotted with the exploding golden sulphur yellow crowns of the flowering Yellow Cortez (Tabebuia ochracea) trees. We encountered Crested Caracaras, Grey and Broad-winged
Hawks and a White-tailed Kite amongst the raptors, urban Grey-breasted Martins, the odd House Sparrow (although Steve suffered almost permanently with 'Sparrow blindness') and Common Ground Doves, a swirling flock of huge White-collared
Swifts and Great White Egret, Anhinga and Ringed Kingfisher on a roadside pool.
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White-tailed Kite |
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Yellow Cortez (Tabebuia ochracea) |
Broad-winged Hawk |
A coffee – milkshake stop at Canopy San Luis gave us all the
first feeding station of the trip but we declined the zip wire options... It was Tanagertastic with many
Silver-throated, Blue-grey and Palm visiting the banana bar along with gleaming
Emeralds, black and red Passerini's and Crimson Collared, Golden Hooded, Bay
Headed and my first Speckled which were a delight to see.
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Bay Headed Tanager |
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Blue-grey and Silver Throated Tanager |
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Emerald Tanager |
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Silver Throated Tanagers |
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Palm Tanager |
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Palm Tanager |
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Passerini's Scarlet-rumped Tanager |
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Passerini's Scarlet-rumped Tanager |
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Passerini's Scarlet-rumped Tanager |
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Passerini's Scarlet-rumped Tanager |
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Crimson Collared Tanager |
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Speckled Tanager |
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Speckled & Silver Throated Tanagers |
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Speckled Tanager |
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Speckled & Silver Throated Tanager |
A chunky Blue & Gold Tanager moved through the canopy but did not come down and was a real bonus and Tawny-capped Euphonias, Common Chlorospingus, Black-cheeked Woodpeckers, Baltimore Orioles, Clay-coloured Thrushes and Green Honeycreepers joined in the fruit feast.
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Black-cheeked Woodpecker |
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Black-cheeked Woodpecker |
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Clay-coloured Thrush and friends |
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Common Chlorospingus |
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Common Chlorospingus |
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Green Honeycreeper & Silver-throated Tanager |
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Green Honeycreeper |
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Green Honeycreeper |
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Green Honeycreeper |
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Green Honeycreeper, Silver-throated & Emerald Tanager |
A male Green Thorntail and Rufous-tailed, Green Hermit and
Crowned Woodnymph Hummingbirds were seen around the Verbena and up in the
canopy there were wood-warblers with Yellow, Tennessee, Chestnut-sided and
vibrant Tropical Parula. Even just two
weeks later than my first visit it was already obvious that the warblers were
further advanced into summer plumages.
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Crowned Woodnymph |
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Rufous-tailed Hummingbird |
When on a balcony feeding station it is always worth looking
over the edge to the ground below where Wood Thrushes and Grey Breasted
Wood-wrens foraged and a pair of Chestnut-capped Brush-finches tossed through
the leaf litter. The strong but sad song
of Black-headed Nightingale-thrush could be heard and one male came close to
the café and even perched up on a branch and sang in view for a few moments.
The first Coatimundi was poking around under the building.
Two Black-headed Saltators moved through the canopy and a
pair of dinky Smoky-brown Woodpeckers came in and actually posed quite nicely
for a change. Usually I have only seen
them briefly or up in the canopy. There was
one last treat in store with a flash of dark blue and white drawing us to a
male Slate-throated Whitestart that was flicking around the lower paths
although it seldom stayed still for more than a second or two.
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Smoky-brown Woodpecker |
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Smoky-brown Woodpecker |
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White Nosed Coatimundi |
Back outside to the bus where Blue & White Swallows were
nesting under the café eaves and two Swallow-tailed Kites circled down in the
North again with the mighty Arenal volcano looming up and
into the cloud on our left hand side for many miles. Red-winged Blackbirds were added along with
the already now familiar roadside Flycatchers and then once through La Fortuna
with its myriad of tourist lures we turned onto the Arenal Observatory Lodge road and
started to climb back up. A Southern
Lapwing strode around a mown verge and a Little Blue Heron stop also added buff
rumped Southern Rough Winged Swallows. An immature Gray Hawk on the wires
required closer scrutiny to confirm the identification and a stop at one of the
river crossings saw a Fasciated Tiger-heron in exactly the same spot as 2020
with Black Phoebe and Louisiana Waterthrushes for waterside company. There were more butterflies on the wing that
we saw all of last time.
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immature Gray Hawk |
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immature Gray Hawk |
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Swallow-tailed Kite |
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Fasciated Tiger-heron |
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Louisiana Waterthrush |
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Southern Lapwing |
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Banded Peacock - Anartia fatima |
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Cinnamon-bellied Saltator |
Arenal OL we had some time before we could check
in so it was straight into lunch while trying not to watch to much out of the
windows around the feeders. Food consumed and straight outside for a session
overlooking the gardens and expansive views with only an almost black
Red-tailed Hawk distracting proceedings.
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The chicken club sandwich... |
Montezuma Oropendolas (Montys from now on) were in on the
replenished fruit with a couple each of Crested Guan and Grey-headed Chachalaca
in for the frenzy.
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Montezuma Oropendola |
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Montezuma Oropendolas |
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Crested Guan |
A similar collection of Tanagers to San Luis were dropping
in but there were two special additions with two female Black & Yellows and
a single Rufous-winged – both of which should not really be at Arenal and both
of which were new. The latter looked like a slightly different Bay-headed. The Scarlet Rumped up here are still Passerini’s. Scarlet-thighed and
Blue Dacnis were feeding in a fruiting tree along with Buff-throated Saltators, Black-cheeked Woodpeckers and both Red-legged and Green Honeycreepers. It was as magical and
bedazzling as I remember it.
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Golden Hooded Tanager
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Rufous-winged Tanager - Jim Willet |
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Rufous-winged Tanager - Jim Willet |
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Tawny-capped Euphonia |
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Buff-throated Saltator |
Brown Jays came in after the other ‘big birds’ had largely
vacated and Red-lored and White-crowned Parrots moved across the valley and on
the Verbena below there were Crowned Woodnymph, Rufous-tailed, Violet-headed,
White-necked Jacobin and Green Hermit Hummers along with some splendid looking
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Black-cheeked Woodpecker |
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Brown Jay |
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Brown Jay |
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Violet-headed HB |
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White-necked Jacobin |
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White-necked Jacobin |
White-necked Jacobin - Ken Copleston |
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Green Hermit |
We eventually checked in and Dad and I ended up in one of
the further lodges up near the waterfall trail.
It had a magnificent view of the grounds and volcano and an immature
Black-crested Coquette was a fine way to greet us just outside the window.
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A room with a view |
A basic unpack and freshen up and then a walk
back towards the bridge to meet the others but this even quickly added more
species with singing Scaly-breasted HBs that I remembered sounding like an odd
Reed Bunting, two each of Cinnamon Becard and Black-cowled Oriole, chattering
Band-backed Wrens and Grey Capped Flycatchers and all with the back drop of singing Toucans and of the
Montys in their pendulous nests in the tallest Eucalypts.
Yellow-throated Toucans and Montezuma Oropendolas
The path took us down through the lower gardens and onto the
pretty dark upper trail and although we picked up Orange-bellied and Slaty-tailed
Trogons, Short-billed Pigeons (‘who cooks for you?’), Rufous Antshrike and both
Yellow-throated and Keel-billed Toucans, it was fairly quiet so we popped back
up into the gardens where more birds were on offer. A mixed flock added our first startling
male Black & Yellow Tanager along with a few of the same Warblers
encountered earlier in the day along with a couple of Common Tody Flycatchers.
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Chestnut Sided Warbler |
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Keel Billed Toucan or Kill Bills as we called them |
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Middle American Ameiva |
Grey-breasted Wood-wrens and Bright-rumped Attila (‘did it – did it – did it – did not’) could
be heard singing in the forest and a Streaked Flycatcher perched up
briefly. The managed gardens added a few
grovelling Variable Seed-eaters and Yellow-faced Grassquits along with
Rufous-collared Sparrows and family packs of Coatis were busy rotovating the
lawns but the Coquette was not around by the time we got back up towards our
rooms until most people left to head back of course when an adult male appeared
and fluttered about in the fading light.
Black-crested Coquette |
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Rufous-collared Sparrow |
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Coatis |
Dusk fell to the ever increasing whine of cicadas and
the strange calls of the Guans and Montys as they headed off to their
respective beds and the eerie drifting lights of Fireflies flicking on and off
as they weaved slowly across the gardens.
Steve set up his moth light alongside our room but it was a
tad windy and attracted little but the shadows on the sheet of those inside the
trap gave the impression of Bees and Moths the size of cats waiting to be
released! A House Wren roosted up in a
crevice above the trap and I found a large Click Beetle that showed two spots of
bio-luminescence on the scutellum. The brightness was amazing but probably
unhelpful given the number of woofing House Geckos lurking around the rooms!
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House Gecko - Hemidactylus frenatus - I did not realise they were not native |
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Smilisca phaoeta |
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Cane Toad |
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Click Beetle |
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Click Beetle |
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Moth #1 |
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Moth #2 |
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Moth #3 |
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Long-horn Beetle |
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Soldier Beetle |
Sleep came easy after a multi-coloured tropical start to
this latest adventure. It felt like the first day all over again but with the
added confidence that I had at least a better idea of what I was seeing and
hearing this time.
New Birds: * = life tick ** = new to Costa Rica but previously seen elsewhere
1: Spot Breasted Oriole *
2: Speckled Tanager *
3: Slate-throated Whitestart *
4: Rufous-winged Tanager *
5: Black & Yellow Tanager *
6: Blue Dacnis *