Sunday 20 May 2018

Lesvos Day 5: 25th April 2018

Day Five: 

A local day that started pre-dawn at Metochi Lake where the first rays of the day illuminated seven creeping Little Crakes including two slaty males and six Little Bitterns along with giggling Little Grebes and boisterous Coots and Moorhens.

Metochi Lake

Little Crake

Little Bittern

Little Bittern

Great Reed Warblers gurked from the tall reeds and Common Swifts were coming down to drink. However it was the trio of male Golden Orioles that perched high in their chosen oak and serenaded the morning with gusto that brought the most smiles. They were magnificent. A Middle Spotted Woodpecker briefly showed much to my relief and we returned to breakfast fully satiated by our morning excursion.

Golden O' - through the scope they were magnificent


A small Cicada species with an astonishingly high pitched song... a long steady note followed by a staccato trill that actually hurts my ears. It has taken till this trip to find one of the culprits. This one was on an apple tree in the Pela gardens...

From here we ventured back through Lotzaria adding two Black-necked and three Great created Grebes at the Tsiknias river mouth and the regular Long-legged Buzzard on a telegraph pole. 

Long-legged Buzzard

Ominous cloud probably 20 miles away over Turkey to the North-west

The new look lower Tsiknia ford looking north

The fields and pans were quiet and especially so with Chinook military manoeuvres going on but they did help us add Spoonbill and 11 Black Storks and get ridiculous views of Little Owl and Red-throated Pipit.  

Seven Black Storks and a Grey Heron
Red-throated Pipit

LIttle Owl

We made our way to the eastern end and shared Kevin's 14 male Garganey as they paddled up and down the channel. Temminck's Stint was new for the trip and a couple of Marsh Sands were noted along with 16 Ruddy Shelduck and a now perched Spoonbill. 


Marsh Sandpiper

Black-winged Stilt

Curlew Sandpiper
Ruddy Shelduck

Allium sphaerocephalon var. aegaeum

Dark Spreadwing - Lestes macrostigma
Greater Flamingos

A huge female Peregrine attacked the Avocets and eventually caught one which was quite spectacular.

In for the kill...
Another showy Hoopoe...

The Raptor Watchpoint above Kalloni provided the usual species but nothing out of the ordinary so we broke for an early lunch at the Pela before doing the Potamia circuit but it was now seriously hot and even the insects were keeping low. 

The view from the KRWP...

Black-eared Wheatear

A Dwarf Mantis and a huge Huntsman spider were the non avian highlights and a pair of Crag Martins around the bridge were the first I have seen this close to town.

Wandering Potamia

Eusparassus walckenaeri - The huge Huntsman

European Dwarf Mantis - Ameles spallanzania

Orbed Underwing Skipper
Eastern Subalpine Warbler

Syrian Thistle - Notobasis syriaca

Woodchat Shrike

Scarce Swallowtail

A brief siesta and then down to Lotzaria where a male Little Bittern and female Red-backed Shrike showed well at the Ford and four Collared Pratincoles and a pair of Stone Curlews put on a great show at the Big Barn Corner while a Little Owl watched on. 

Red-backed Shrike

Little Bittern
Collared Pratincole

The mossies were out and ravenous so we packed up and headed for the Dionysis for the evening.

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