Another hot week on the ranch although the mornings have
been generally cooler apart from Monday which was unbearably humid until 7pm as
the Late Night opening got going! It was
a quiet evening but we did eventually get a sneaky sunset for three and a half
As with last week I managed several ventures into the
wildlife garden but no circuits out onto the trails. My early morning prunings of the car park and
entrance road did not yield any goodies so I had to be content with what was
closer to the visitors centre.
The Fleabane by the bog garden is now flowering and just
like last year is attracting Osmia spinulosa with the slightly patterned eyes
and characteristic way of vibrating the pollen onto the underside of its
abdomen. It is nice to see a small bee that is relatively straight forward to
Osmia spinulosa |
Osmia spinulosa |
The Fleabane also attracted a tiny hoverfly that I watched
for ages before it eventually landed. It was only about 4mm long but I have
been able to get it to the Paragus genus and from there down to two species but
we need to play around with the male genitalia and quite frankly I will leave
that up to someone with more time and inclination...
Regardless, it was a new genus to me and I was pleased that
my gut told me Hover even in flight rather than Sepsis fly which it resembled
on landing as it stuck its wings out at ninety degrees.
Paragus sp |
Paragus sp |
Paragus sp |
A big fat Eristalinus aeneus and several Sphaerophoria
scripta were also feeding there along with a grey leafcutter that Jerry Hoare
was able to key out to Megachile ligniseca thus adding another new species to
the site list.
Eristalinus aeneus - half hairy eyes
Megachile ligniseca |
Megachile ligniseca |
Megachile ligniseca |
The raised bed was still very popular with bumblebees with
male B vestalis still being the commonest species present along with B pratorum
and humilis.
Bombus humilis - Brown Banded Carder
Bombus humilis - Brown Banded Carder |
Bombus pratorum - Early BB
Wool Carder Bees were still putting on a great performance in the herb bed...
Wool Carder Bee |
A few Large White Butterflies were found amongst the Smalls
and Green veined and Ringlets have started to visit the beds now along with
some immaculate Peacocks and Commas.
Comma |
Large White |
Large White |
Peacock |
Ringlet |
Gatekeeper |
Gatekeeper |
Several people have been finding the striking bug, Corizus
hyoscyami recently so it was nice to find a mating pair of this still scarce
species. They were in the Eryngium bed
out the front which becomes more fragrant as it warms up during the day when
the odour of a rather overfull dog poo bin wafts through the air.
hyoscyami |
Various flies are unsurprisingly attracted including
Lucilias and the spiky Tachinid, Eriothrix rufomaculata that I saw last week,
Out here Bombus terrestris – Buff-tailed BB, seems to be the commonest with
only a few B vestalis, humilis, pratorum and pascuorum and singles of hypnorum
and male lapidarius.
Eriothrix rufomaculata |
Bombus vestalis |
Bombus terrestris |
Bombus lapidarius |
Not sure what this Bombus is yet - help welcomed |
Several large Andrena pilipes with their shiny black bodies,
smoky patterned wings and double white pollen basket hairs were noted along
with gingery Andrena flavipes and another as yet unidentified species. Some
tiny ones were also seen but I am leaving these to Jerry H.
Andrena pilipes |
Andrena pilipes |
Andrena pilipes - Dawn Cowan
Andrena flavipes - Dawn Cowan
Andrena flavipes |
Andrena flavipes |
Some stripy black and yellow digger wasps were identified
with help as Ornate Tailed DW, Cerceris rybyensis and this one actually seems
to be quite a straightforward id once you know what to look for which is handy.
Ornate Tailed Digger Wasp, Cerceris rybyensis |
Ornate Tailed Digger Wasp, Cerceris rybyensis |
A female Syrphus hoverfly with a dark base to the upper
femur told me that it was something different from the normal S ribesii and
once I had been firmly pointed in the right direction I was able to confirm
after trapping it that it lacked hairy eyes and was the common, but unrecorded
at the marsh, S vitripennis.
Syrphus vitripennis |
Three spotty eyed Eristalinus sepulchralis were nectaring too and I
could clearly see the wholly hairy eyes compared to the E aeneus seen on the
Eristalinus sepulchralis |
Eristalinus sepulchralis |
The week also saw the arrival of yet
another Spoonbill with an immature that had spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the
Ingrebourne Valley and then paddled around on the dwindling Aveley pool till
Friday. It is not our one from last week
as it has more colour in the bill and black wing tips. I think that is our 7th
on the reserve this year. Three Ruff,
the Black-tailed Godwits, Snipe, LRP and a couple of Green Sandpipers are still
around and the first returning Greenshank and Dunlin were seen.
Spoonbill - Andy Tweed |
The Marsh Harriers have been stealing the
show with at least five juveniles now on the wing including two with varying
degrees of white in the plumage making them look like slightly odd juvenile
Black Kites or even Booted Eagle at a distance. I have a feeling that both may
be raising a few eyebrows when they move on.
Marsh Harrier #1 - Mark Phillips |
Marsh Harrier #2 - Dave Warren |
The first young Cuckoo is now on the wing
with surely more to follow and a few more House and Sand Martins have been seen
while the duck brood counts continue to rise with additional Shelduck and
Tufted Duck to add.
Starlings were making the most of a birdbath top up!
It was a week of odd eccentricities with
the ritual sacrifice of a pink My Little Pony helium balloon that had had the
temerity to not only scare the birds across the marsh but then got caught on
the electric fence causing it to lose voltage.
Balloons are bad at the best of times but these shiny horrors should be
kept chained up indoors. Please note
that no fun with the expelled helium was had in any way whatsoever.
Sim, pre-sacrifice, having subdued the beast that is Pinkie Pie... |
The same day saw the discovery of a
Budgerigar on the trail – now we probably see one or two of these colourful little
parrots at large each year but never has one been picked up and given to me on
reception just as we were closing. My evening was then spent digging out an old
cage at home and Globud is now currently being fostered until she goes to her
new home.
Globud... |
However, the Coot that was caught in a tiny
back garden in Rainham and brought in to us was easier to sort out and we just
released it onto the perimeter ditch without it maiming anybody!
Saturday was my first chance all week to
actually get out on the trails as my monthly Kids Birdwatching Club was in and
it started well with the kids and me looking at the plethora of butterflies on
the river wall including some pristine Brown Argus but as we approached Aveley Bay
my proclamation of ‘oh look... there’s a seal up on the mud’ turned quickly
into ‘actually that’s human’.
The man was over 100m out from the bank at
the lowest point of an already low tide and was floundering around on his face
to begin with before conducting himself in disorientating circles. To cut a long story drastically short, I
called the emergency services - all of them - as it was 30c, late morning and from the lack
of tracks I suspected that he had come off a boat and could have been there for
a long time. He was obviously exhausted and bewildered and there was nothing we
could do except call for help.
By the
time the troops arrived 40 minutes had passed and the tide was rapidly coming in.
I had found his boozed up buddy on the river wall having a beer (negating the
overboard theory) but he seemed not overly worried by the fact his mate was
quite possibly going to perish and sat back down to finish his beverage. I
shouted at the mud monster to stay put and that help was on the way. He suggested that I may wish to go forth and
multiply and was not amused at me insinuating that he was in a spot of
Fourteen emergency vehicles descended on
the site in a blaze of red, white and neon with flashing lights. There were ambulances, paramedics, police,
emergency response teams, three fire engines and eventually even the inshore
RNLI rib which was my first suggestion when dialling 999.
Part of the entourage - John Humble |
It an effort to save himself further
embarrassment Mr Stinky hauled himself the final yardage to the saltmarsh,
refusing any assistance, emerging like the proverbial monster from the black
lagoon. He would not let the paramedics attend to him and at this point I have
to admit to wanting to cover him in feathers and let him dry out in the sun –
preferably while staked.
I pointed the Police in the direction of
his mate where a further animated discussion ensued (after a quick drug search!) about the fact they had
shut a dog in their van.
RNLI - John Humble |
I had had enough at this point and I slunk
away, slightly embarrassed at having depleted the whole of East London of any
emergency response capability for the sake of an ungrateful idiot who thought
he could walk on mud and could well have died if I had not seen him. At least I had quite possibly saved a dog
from a horrible death...
One of big bull Harbour Seals came to see
what all the fuss was about before slipping back beneath the mill pond surface. I imagined amorous advances being made on Mr
Mud’s incumbent and vaguely pinniped like form and at least this made me smile
on the hot walk back.
Back at the centre I noticed a few bottles
poking out of the rubbish bin downstairs.
This is for general rubbish and not for recycling and I regularly pull
out those visible. However in a fit of pique I took the lid off donned some
gloves and went through the lot. It was
Ok, so I think that we need some more signage about having a
recycling bin upstairs but even so I am sure we can all do better than
this. We now only sell water in cans in
an effort to reduce single use plastic but as you can see it really does not
make a difference as glass, aluminium and plastic are only recyclable if they
are actually put in the correct bin...
Today was even hotter, if that was at all
possible and by the time we opened it was already reading 28c. The reserve was
unsurprisingly quiet today with very few visitors out in the shadeless environs
but from the airless centre we did get to watch the Marsh Harriers quartering
the marsh and periodically spooking the Black-headed Gulls and a few
Black-tailed Godwits from Aveley Pools.
Small parties of Sand Martins were moving east during the day with a few
Swallows amongst them.
I headed out along the river wall at just
before one to meet up with the Thurrock 100 walkers who had left Rainham
station in the full heat of the day some time before. As I stood waiting for them opposite the
turnstile gate I played chase with the little Brown Argus butterflies that
never seemed to alight long enough for a composed shot. Some of them were
miniscule and I had momentary hopes of a Small Blue!
Thurrock 100 walkers |
Brown Argus |
Wild Carrot
Eristalis tenax |
Cinnabar moth cat |
The mid tide was lapping at the silvery mud
where Black-headed Gulls and two Greenshank roosted and the air was filled with
the Snap Crackle and Pop of countless thousands of Tufted Vetch pods twisting in
the heat, splitting and catapulting their little black cannonball seeds in all
On the shimmering Thames a beautiful barge
headed up river while a Naval Frigate – the F930 and the mighty Viking Star
cruise liner headed out in quick succession.
It has been a long but entertaining seven usual...
Nice read Howard and my “Common Blue” now appears to be a Brown Argus. Lawrence