Today really was about staying
local; in fact I got no further than the eastern edges of the KSP
and this is where I started my day post breakfast. It started to rain lightly
as I wandered down the track but there was no wind and I had hopes of some
birds dropping in.
There was a black huddle of birds on the end lagoon which revealed itself to be
an amorphous blob of at least 60 very tired Glossy Ibises. Some were preening
but most were sleeping and several were even hunkered down on their ankles in
the water. I counted several times but separating heads from backs was tricky
and counting legs did not work either and I suspect my count was conservative.
Spoonbills and Ibises |
Three adult Spoonbills snoozed next to the flock and two Black Storks were
actively feeding but there was no sign of the pair of Pintail and I had to make
do with two male Mallard and a pair of Garganey. A gleaming White Winged Black
Tern bounced as if on elastic across the pans and I counted 12 Little Terns
which was encouraging given the paucity of sightings and my distant scanning
produced two male and a female Red-footed Falcon on the Lotzaria wires.
Hundreds of Spanish Sparrows bounded north off of the gulf and inland and I
counted about a 1000 in my hour there. An adult Slender-billed Gull was present
and I heard a Grey Plover but there were no other waders of note - apologies to
the Avocets and Wood Sandpipers. Black and Blue Headed Wagtails bounded around
and a Hoopoe sang but the highlight was non avian when a rustling drew my
attention at the side off the path. I peered in and found the most enormous
Hedgehog I have ever seen. I stepped back and he eventually revealed his pointy
nose and amazingly big ears. This was my first ever live Eastern Hedgehog
having seen many with a less spherical shape on the Island's roads.
Eastern Hedgehog
Back for coffee with the newly arrived Julie and Alex, and a male Red-footed
Falcon circling over the Pela and then out to Lotzaria via a bit of Squacco and Tree Frog action on the Kalonis Pool before passing a Glossy Ibis
and another White-winged Black Tern at the river mouth. I tackled the lower
Tsiknias Ford for the first time this week (to a round of applause) and then
bounced through to the pans again where Little Stints and eight Temminck's
Stints were found along with many more Wood Sandpipers than so far this trip.
Two Short-toed Eagles perched up on the ridge by the main road and one got a right
beating from a Long-legged Buzzard which in turn was mobbed by a slim
ring-tail that I was pretty sure was an immature female
Squacco |
The latest version of Eastern Tree Frog on a leaf! |
Falcon |
Wood Sandpiper |
Temminck's Stint |
Temminck's Stints - ACV |
Long-legged Buzzard |
Lunch and then round three for me in search of the group
of 30 Collared Pratincoles but by the time I had picked them up they had
multiplied somewhat and over a hundred were wheeling above Lotzaria. Over the
next hour they drifted to a fro and I was able to get a better count when they
split into two groups and 125 was my best effort. Quite amazing and sometimes
they came down lower and you could hear them call and get a flash of chestnut
Collared Pratincoles |
Other waders had also increased with nearly 200 Ruff, 60 Little Stints and
seven Curlew Sandpipers on one lagoon and two Marsh Sandpipers were in the
channel along with a couple of Squaccos. The first Common Swallowtails were on the wing and already egg laying on the normal Fennel but were very flighty and I only got a slightly blurry pic of one.
Marsh Sandpipers |
Marsh Sandpiper |
Black-winged Stilt |
Squacco |
Swallowtail egg laying and vibrating her outer wing tips |
A Bishops Mitre type shieldbug but quite chunky |
The Little Owl pair were up on their barn again and both birds gave me the evil eye while back at the river mouth there were now 30 Whiskered Terns with five
Sandwich and Red-throated Pipits were calling around me whenever I stopped so
new birds were arriving all the time.
Little Owls |
The last of the evening was spent watching the Alykes sheepfields where six
adult Night Herons were resting up, surrounded by a swathe of flowers, mixed
Plovers, Stints and Sandpipers. A
furtive photographer thought that belly crawling out through the marsh would
not only win him prizes for stealth in his camo gear but also get him better pictures
of the herons. Most moved off as he approached and the two that were left were
suddenly obscured from his view by the ever inquisitive Donkeys that came over
to investigate the squirming green slug in their midst.
Night Herons |
mmm... to trample or not to trample? that is the question |
Thirty Short-toed Larks chirrupped in the dunes and a few flava Wagtails and a smart male Whinchat were seen. Three Glossy Ibis were on the fields and a
pair of Garganey dabbled at the back with the Ruddy Shelducks but it was actually the horses thundering around the
race track behind me that ended the evening off in style.
Glossy Ibis |
Short-toed Lark |
Whinchat |
Love the story and love the pictures. Wonder what it will be like this September when I'm back. Thank you for sharing. Greeting, Carla de Haan