With nothing to lure me off to the coast I decided to
attempt a Medway river walk but with no firm route in mind for which circle to
take so I headed off towards Strood and then over the river and into Rochester
before following the path south towards Borstal and the M2 Bridge.
A grey and gloomy Rochester Castle
It had started off quite bright but I could see the clouds
darkening in front and almost turned back at that point but the sight of a
smart Scandinavian Rock Pipit calling at me from the guttering of the flats
made me smile so I pushed on seeing three more before I got to Baty’s LNR.
Scandinavian Rock Pipit |
Scandinavian Rock Pipit |
Scandinavian Rock Pipit |
Mute Swans
Feral Pigeon down for a drink - they live under the old jetties
The river was very high and had just turned as I made my way
through the boatyards and the first droplets were pinging off me and I could
hear them hitting the Sycamore leaves above.
I would soon be under the bridge in the open so kept my fingers crossed
that it would hold off.
Ivy berries
I could hear Peregrine as I passed underneath
Thankfully it did as I emerged onto the natural river bank
where I spent the next couple of miles or so slip sliding away but without any
observable mishaps.
Once again I had it in my head that I must have a chance of
Stonechat and my scanning of Lesser Reedmace filled ditches eventually gave me
my rewards for heading out on such an unpromising day. A pair zipped up and down with Robins in tow
and about half a mile further on I found another pair – again with Robins in
Stonechat and Robin
The river was devoid of anything except a few Black-headed
and Common Gulls but at least there was a flock of 27 Lapwing out on the damp
meadows for the first time. Cetti’s Warblers shouted at me from the ditch and
Robins and Wrens ticked and a grey looking Song Thrush was gorging on Sloes
while two Water Rails squealed from the riverside reeds.
Black-headed Gull
Common Gulls
Lapwings! I went all summer without finding one local breeding pair
The EA were remote mowing the banks and at least the Green
Woodpeckers thought that this was habitat improvement. I walked into Wouldham
and then out and over Peter’s Bridge to take me back to the west side of the
Medway. Again there was not even a Mallard or a Moorhen on this impressive
looking bit of the river.
Wouldham Church
North from Peter's Bridge - my route back is along that ridge
Once up at the Cuxton Road I chose the footpath directly off
the main roundabout and was immediately deafened by the roar of shotguns and the
whirring of Pheasants and Partridges. The Tweed and Black Lab Set were out enjoying a
bit of autumnal ‘sport’ and birds were falling out of the sky around me.
I picked up my pace to get past them and had several
Red-legs and Pheasants seeking sanctuary on the path in front. One crash landed
and did not fly when I approached. I picked it up to investigate and was not
overly surprised to find both legs shattered and almost severed so I did the
only thing I could do and ended it quickly. Poor thing – bred, released,
Red-legged Partridge
Apologies but I felt it was necessary
M2 Bridges look quite small from here!
The grey had descended and matched my mood as I followed this
straight path up through the chalk. Occasionally I found bits of old railway
and suspect it was a line from the massive wooded quarry to my left back down
to the main line and river below. I heard at least one Golden Plover but could
not see it but my spirits were lifted in Upper Halling were three of the local Ravens
came and tumbled over the houses. Half roll and back – ‘kronk!’ One of them did
this fifteen times while circling above.
I was attempting to get up onto the North Downs Way and soon
found the path up past the farm shop. It
was steep but wide with large raised banks each side down which ancient Yews
draped themselves and I wonder if it is an old drovers road for bringing
livestock and wood off the Downs.

Goldcrests called with a Long-tailed Tit flock and I was pleased to hear
two Firecrests before I got to the crossroads on the ridge top. This was the point where I headed west on my
spring walk but the miles were already piling up and decided to stick to the
main drag back north towards Cuxton through Horseholders and Wingate Woods. There
were so many leaves on the ground that at times the muddy path was barely discernible.
I was listening for Hawfinches but the forest was lifeless. There is so much
food available here with the seeds, nuts and berries and almost every native
tree but on the entire route I only heard a single Nuthatch, three Goldcrests
and two more Firecrests in the Yews where some Blackbirds were after the

Ravens kronked invisibly through the canopy and a female
Sparrowhawk and Buzzard briefly appeared. At the next junction I stuck to the
NDW path which took me out of the trees and across a pasture valley and then
back up into North Wood and before too long I appeared once again into an open
valley covered in thousands of Vines growing in little green plastic net
sleeves. It was now raining quite hard
and it was time for the poncho to come out making me look like some gigantic
Halloween hunch backed Bat.
The path to North Wood
As far as you could see
I sheltered by a lovely cottage at Upper Bush where the
Nerines were putting on a superb display before crossing the road and uphill
once again and through the railway tunnel and then up the even steeper climb through
Brockles Field and into Ranscombe.
Hello Ranscombe
I had to pause for breath at the top despite no shelter and
the driving rain but at least I was stationary when the four Common Crossbills
gypped over on their way back across the valley to the pines on the west side
of Wingate Wood.
I dropped down through Kitchen Field which was a little
claggy underfoot and said hello to the heifers grazing there. I did check to
see if any Blue Pimpernel was still flowering but only found Scarlet but there
were still some Field Pansies, Fumitory and Field Madder in bloom.
Kitchen Field |
Field Pansy and Fumitory |
Field Madder |
Scarlet Pimpernel
There was one last hill to climb so I pushed on and up
through the Chestnuts to the main Darnley Mausoleum trail where a right at the
top saw me with a damp couple of miles to home through the silent woods but at least from here it
is practically downhill all the way.