Being outside, be it beneath the sky, wandering a forest
path, a quiet windswept beach or urban parkland is a quintessential part of
what makes me, well, me. Despite working for a conservation charity for nearly
20 years, my role had morphed from being out there with the natural world and
sharing the joys it holds to a largely indoor job albeit with a view which I
recently described as like working in an IMAX theatre and being the compere of
a wildlife spectacle but having to explain to the guests that the ‘show’ was on
I returned from Costa Rica on the 30th March and
on the 1st April I handed in my notice for my role of Visitor Experience
Officer at RSPB Rainham Marshes. I have been here as staff for 19 years and the
time is now right for me to move on and get back to what I am best at; sharing
my knowledge and enthusiasm for wildlife outdoors.
It took being Furloughed for a whole year for me to realise
that I had the opportunity to regain something of what I had misplaced. It was not lost, I had just forgotten how to
access it. I spent a year walking from
my front door on the outskirts of Rochester in Kent and put over 2000 miles on
my boots and in doing so I reconnected with what I had so close to home all
along but had neglected to explore.
I had the time to study, to look and enquire and ponder as
well as sharing (sensibly) with those out walking just like me. I was able to re-centre myself by
reconnecting with the wild and possibly somewhat selfishly making some time for
me. Being outside is not about knowing
what everything is, it is simply about the being. Hearing the birdsong, feeling
the brush of the wind through the leaves, sensing the power in the trees, watching
clouds scudding across a winter landscape, the texture of the path beneath your
feet, the patter of summer rain on your head, the smell of the forest loam or a
flower meadow with grazing cattle – the list is near endless.
‘ Mental well-being’ is an oft used phrase today but I am in
no doubt that being able to step away from the hustle of modern life, of the
noise, traffic and general discomfort it causes and find your own quiet space
where you can reflect and recharge can do nothing but good in generating a
better and healthier state of mind.
I now have the chance once again to reacquire my love for
the wild but I think that it will be easier this time.
And so with just the Easter Weekend to navigate at Rainham,
I decided after some early morning work (I am still continuing with my one day
a week RSPB Farmland Advisor role…) that I should start as I mean to go on and
get back outside.
The boots were back on, the flask packed and camera ready
and off I went up the road onto one of my Ranscombe Loops.
I checked on my local Peregrines and all is looking good and
then worked my way up towards the M2 where a Firecrest was singing from the Sycamore
copse alongside the junction.
Wren |
female Peregrine |
The verges were covered with Primroses, Dandelions,
Ground Ivy and Forget-me-Nots and there were Buff-tailed and Common Carder
Bees, Andrena flavipes, Anthophora plumipes and Dark-bordered Bee-flies in
attendance. My first Brimstones drifted
by as I crossed the road and there were quite a few Hoverflies around the pathside
including Episyrphus balteatus, Platycheirus albimanus and scutatus and
Meliscaeva auricollis and there were many more Beeflies.
Anthophora plumipes - female |
Ground Ivy |
Cowslip |
Dark-bordered Beefly |
Anthophora plumipes - male |
Andrena flavipes |
Wild Strawberry |
Platycheirus albimanus |
Fannia hung mid path with legs
dangling as I walked down through Longhoes.
I found no Wall Browns but there were several Peacocks and Commas and a
pair of Nuthatches were very vocal. I
saw little as I headed up into The Valley although Buzzard and Sparrowhawk were
overhead and I could hear Med Gulls and a Raven somewhere.
Longhoes |
Brimstone & Green veined White |
Wayfaring Tree |
A similar insect suite was encountered as I dropped back
down and my first biggish Pisaura mirabilis was lying in wait on a
Dandelion. There were many more Bees on
the wing including countless tiny ones and several more Andrena flavipes and a
couple of nice bright Andrena haemorrhoa.
Brimstones and Green Veined Whites zipped around but rarely settled and
some more quality Hoverfly action added a female Eupeodes corollae and a female
Eupeodes latifasciatus on the same flower along with Syrphus ribesii in increasing
The Valley |
Pisaura mirabilis |
Episyrphus balteatus |
Eupeodes corollae - female |
Eupeodes latifasciatus - female |
Eristalis tenax |
Bombus terrestris |
Bombus pascuorum |
Bombus pascuorum |
I followed the path up into Mill Wood and then along the
ridge to Brockholes. Sweet and I think Dog Violets were in bloom along with
clumps of Primroses and Wood Anemones.
The first Bugle was opening up and Bluebells were in flower at the far
Brimstone |
Wood Anemone |
Sweet Violet |
Sweet Violet |
Violet |
Violet |
Bugle |
Bluebell |
Bluebell - a clump just a few feet away but in different light |
Lesser Celandine |
Dog's Mercury |
Primroses |
Wood Anemone |
There were Coal Tits and Song Thrushes singing and two more
pairs of Nuthatch. I always look for
Adders on this stretch but as usual had no joy.
Epistrophe eligans added itself to the daily hoverfly list with a very
hairy shiny individual.
Grey Squirrel |
Peacock |
Amazing what the catches the eye |
Epistrophe eligans |
I was pleased to see that the scrub that had been
encroaching into Brockholes has been completely stripped back from this chalk
grassland. It will be interesting to see
what appears this season with more light and air to play with. The Skylarks
certainly seemed to be happier. Med
Gulls were now a constant part of the soundscape around me and three pairs of
Common Buzzard got up and mapped out personal territorial boundaries with
tumbles and dives.
Brockholes |
Med Gull |
Med Gull & Black-headed Gull |
Common Buzzard |
The gap into the next field has always been good for finding
flies sunbathing on the Ash trunks and today was no exception with a fine
Ferdinandea cuprea (another Hoverfly) and a bristly Gymnocheta viridis – one of
my spring favourites. I was however surprised to find three very fresh (and
hairy!) Rhingia campestris lounging around.
Rhingia campestris |
Rhingia campestris |
Ferdinandea cuprea |
Gymnocheta viridis |
I always check gate posts and fences especially when warmth
is at a premium and was delighted to discover that a little bit of bird poo was
in fact a Fungus Weevil but it looked different to the one I saw last year at The
Larches and a bit of digging suggests Platystomos albinus. I am not sure how unusual it is but it was
certainly a new Ranscombe invert for me.
.JPG) |
Platystomos albinus |
I followed the track up alongside the fields (where the main meadow has been harrowed) checking for Wheatears and Ouzels. The track had a few more Brimstones and Peacocks and some tiny Nomada bees that just would not stop before I cut back into the woods with their Celandines, Primroses and
Anemones. A Marsh Tit was singing
stridently but never came close and so I went back to ground watching and
checking Hoverflies and ignoring the microbees once again. I found two more Ferdinandea cuprea and two
Eristalis species for my efforts.
Platycheirus scutatus |
Ferdinandea cuprea |
Platycheirus albimanus |
I popped out into the fields above the golf course and then
followed the main track back into Cobham Woods. Mistle and Song Thrushes greeted
me and Nuthatches, Treecreeper and both Woodpeckers were heard but the closest
I got to the Greens was finding some ‘fag ash’ droppings.
Green Woodpecker poo |
Syrphus ribesii |
Not sure but think it was an Andrena haemmorhoa |
Seven Spot Ladybird |
Given the opaque wings I am wondering if this is a female Bombus vestslis? |
Red Dead Nettle |
.JPG) |
Peacock |
Herb Robert |
I climbed up to the Darnley Mausoleum and then followed the
main path back towards the railway saying hello to my favourite trees on the
way. Once over the bridge I swung down along side CTRL to look for Early Purple
Orchids. They were quite difficult to
find and I only found about 12 spikes in various shades and states of emergence
but they were my first this year and made me smile.
Early Purple Orchid |
The Gorse on the Green Bridge had had enough time to warm up
and I walked through a rich coconut scented haze before disappearing back into
the coppice to look for more orchids on one last mini loop. I only found four spikes amongst a white sea
of Wood Anemones and then cut back up to the railway bridge once more. The Primroses
here were more in the open and in the strong sunlight glowed somewhere between
sulphur and lime with patches of Bugle and Speedwell dotted amongst them. A
male Orange Tip became my first of the year as I finally emerged back out at
the top of Bligh Way for the downhill slog to home.
Gorse |
Ladies Smock |
Early Purple Orchid |
Comma |
Peacock |
Bit rusty on my Speedwells... |
I arrived back with aching feet and a healthy glow and
decided to head straight up the garden for a little bit of tinkering. The forest floor project that I commenced
last February is everything I could have hoped with a splatter of spring flora
amongst my Ferns and Euphorbias and pondlets teeming with Ramshorn Snails and
the odd Common Frog .
The Marsh Marigold
is looking at its finest and the Green Alkanet was busy with the first Osmia
bicornis of the season, a couple of furry Andrenas and several Anthophora
plumipes. Myathropa florea were scooting
around and even came and landed on me and Speckled Woods danced spirals at eye
Marsh Marigold |
Myathropa florea |
Moschatel just starting to flower |
Speckled Wood |
I sat and pondered my upcoming future with coffee in hand
and I am actually starting to believe that I can make this work. I long to get back to sharing my knowledge in
the field be it here or across the waves and I saw my walk today as an almost
defiant effort to show myself that I will succeed and that even a simple local
walk could bring joy and wonderment to any who chose to follow me.
Watch this space…
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