Tuesday 7 November 2023

Lowestoft Life - 7th November 2023 - A taste of a Waxwing winter to come

I tried moth trapping overnight but for the first time it was completely empty leaving me with a day pottering around the house catching up on jobs but the lure of those mobile Waxwings that were roaming around Oulton at the weekend had me heading out with the camera. Apologies to the Cullums and Colgates for what comes next...

Ten minutes later I had ten funky punky Scandi visitors feasting on Rowan berries and flycatching in the sunshine.  It was cool but they warmed up the day no end.

Given the number piling into the Northern Isles and Shetland I doubt very much that we have seen the last of this most special of visitors this winter.

Who knows, I may even get some over my house?!


  1. Fantastic photos Howard. Sunny Lowestoft - Kittiwakes!!!!

  2. I hope you whispered go south beauties go south west! Lovely photos Howard . (Corinna)

  3. Lovely, just lovely! Hope they reach Essex soon.

  4. A few have even reached Ireland - singles, flyovers and small flocks - unfortunately not near me. Enjoy the ones you have.
