Wednesday 15 May 2024

A Yorkshire Break - Day 1 - 10th May 2024

An early rise and a check of the trap before leaving for Yorkshire produced a small catch of moths but did include my first Spruce Carpet.

Spruce Carpet

Common Carpet

Garden Carpet

Eudonia angustea

The route across country was trouble free and by just after 8.30 I was pulling into the car park at Frampton Marshes.  I have only been here the once – with Pat during the July lockdown break and spent a pleasant couple of hours walking the circuit.

The pools were alive with breeding birds; island covered in Avocets, Black-headed and Med Gulls, broods of Mute Swans, Canada and Greylag Geese, displaying and brooding Lapwings, Oystercatchers, Redshanks, Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers.

Black-tailed Godwit

Avocets & Greylag family

Ringed Plover


Greylag Geese


Med Gull

Closer to the sea wall there was a 2cy Little Gull and Common Terns were setting up home and performing exaggerated display flights and a selection of other waders were on the shallow pools with Black-tailed Godwits, Whimbrels, the best part of 200 Dunlin with single Turnstone, Little Stint and Curlew Sandpiper amongst them.  The last four were all in summer plumage. I could not find the Lesser Yellowlegs but made up for it by locating the Red-breasted Goose on the closest bit of saltmarsh having watched them fly in all the way from the farthest edge of the distant hazy Wash.




Red-breasted Goose

My second or third this year and always a delight to see.  Some of the geese came onto the inside marsh but not the RBG. I walked back with Reed and Sedge Warblers in the track side reeds and a couple of Yellow Wagtails flew over.  

Reed Bunting

Reed Bunting

Sedge Warbler

Reed Warbler

It was now 11.45 and hot and hazy and after a cuppa we pressed on through the flatland countryside around Boston before climbing up into the Lincolnshire Wolds. Lunch was taken at Barton-on-Humber with the mighty Humber Bridge stretching before us. 

News of two White-Winged Black Terns at nearby North Cave on the north side of the river required a small diversion but it was worth it and within a couple of minutes of arriving I had both in view as they dipped down over the old gravel pits.  Much closer views than my recent Lesvos ones! 

White-Winged Black Tern

White-Winged Black Tern

An adult Med Gull and 2cy Common Gull were seen amongst the BHGs along with a good selection of breeding waders with LRPs, Redshank, Lapwing, Oystercatchers and Avocets along with my first Greenshank of the day.

Willow Warblers sang and it was a pity no one mentioned the Savi’s Warbler that was also on site.  The warmth was bringing out the insects with Orange Tips, Azure & Blue-tailed Damselflies, Hairy Hawkers and Red & Black Leafhoppers all seen around the Nettles and Brambles.

Blue-tailed Damselfly

Pisaura mirabilis


Wasp Beetle

Empis tessellata

Kentish Snail

Red & Black Leafhopper

Red Kites and Buzzards drifted over and Sand Martins and Swifts were seen too before it was time to move on again.

Check in at the Filey Bay village was not till 5pm allowing time to drive the farmland lanes around Buckton where Yellow Wagtails, Yellowhammers and Corn Buntings obliged and Hares lolloped and danced. 

There was even time for a quick Bempton fix although it was a little chilly but all the Auks, Kittiwakes and Gannets put on a show for me with the car park Tree Sparrows.  A final wander around the ‘village’ after dinner took me down to the beach just north of Hunmanby Gap where a Short-eared Owl was lazily heading south along the cliff top and both Whitethroats were in song.



Short-eared Owl

A drive out late on gave a glimmer of the aurora but it was cold and windy and we did not stay out quite long enough and a long day got the better me and the skyscape show enjoyed by so many others was missed.

If only I had stayed out longer

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