Monday 1 July 2024

Scotland for Bird's Wildlife & Nature Tours - Day 2: 17th June 2024

The weather did its very best today to thwart our efforts and the Pine forest specialist will have to wait for better conditions but we worked hard with various damp stops between Abernethy and Insh Marshes.

Abernethy was quiet but majestic with just the odd Common Crossbill flying over, invisible Goldcrests and my first Bilberry Bumblebees while tranquil Loch Garten had teetering Common Sandpipers, tree nesting Swifts and Spotted Flycatchers.

Bilberry Bumblebee - Bombus monticola

A damp Cheilosia - will update if I get a name

Strangely enough - no dragonflies

Marsh Cinquefoil


Cladonia sp

Near Boat of Garten a field was dotted with the white candle blooms of Lesser Butterfly and delicate Small White Orchids along with a few Heath Spotted and Heath Fragrant and we also found Marsh Cinqefoil and Chickweed Wintergreen. The rain could not hide the flowers from us!

Lesser Butterfly

Heath Fragrant

Small White

Small White

Heath Spotted

Peering over the hill

Sheltering under the tail lift

Nearby a Slavonian Grebe played now you see me with the crew and two Pink-feet were unseasonal before a fine Osprey at Loch Insh was watched delicately feeding two visible young.


Lunch at Avielochan

A battered Common Blue Damselfly

Fly mine of Honeysuckle - name escapes me at mo


Melancholy Thistle


Osprey - feeding two lurking chicks - Pete Osgood

The day was finished at Insh Marshes where a Marsh Harrier was the top bird along with hearing Curlew, Snipe, Lapwing and Redshank. Red and Roe Deer were out on the marshes with one doe Roe having a very small fawn following her around and the Reds loafing on the glacial Esker. There were Mountain and Common Pansies and patches of fragrant Thyme but with the cloud descending once again we slunk back north to Grantown.

Red Deer

Roe Deer

Red Deer

Wild Pansy - Viola tricolor

Mountain Pansy - Viola lutea


Rock Rose

Grand weather for slugs

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