With the way that my accidental butterfly season was going I
decided to head east towards Canterbury this morning. I should really have gone yesterday but the
threat of thunderstorms before lunchtime put me off and then as it turned out
it was a scorcher but I did get a lot done in the garden!
The weather today was windy and it was overcast but it was
meant to improve and by about 11am I was at Denge Woods to the south of the
City. I had not been there for more than
a few minutes when Nicole and Jason turned up which was great as I have not
seen them for two years since I last came down here to look for Ladies and
A very pleasant few hours ensued with all the usual appropriate
distances adhered to which was a little odd when taking turns to move in and look
at something but was easily manageable!
The downhill track towards the meadow where the Duke of
Burgundy Metalmarks are found was the usual treacherous tiptoe through the dog
mess but there were still things to see including Heath and Wood Speedwells,
Meadow Cranesbill and clumps of Spring Cinquefoil.
Heath Speedwell |
Wood Speedwell |
Tormentil |
Tormentil |
Meadow Cranesbill |
Wood Ant nests were starting to build up and I was glad of
closed in shoes and despite the very windy conditions there were lots of
insects resting on the Bramble, Nettle, Willowherb and Black Bryony
Wood Ants |
Black Bryony just flowering |
Empis tessellata were very evident along with countless
Flesh Flies and Scorpion Flies along with a few hovers including Eristalis
tenax, Eupeodes corollae, Episyrphus balteatus and my first Xylota segnis for
some time. We used to get them at
Rainham but I have not seen them for a few years now.
Xylota segnis |
Xylota segnis |
Scorpion Fly |
Empis tessellata |
Empis tessellata |
Episyrphus balteatus |
A Glow-worm larva crossed the path but there were no Tiger
Beetles to be seen.
Glow-worm larva |
Hairy Shieldbug |
Oedemera nobilis |
Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and Garden Warblers sang and a nest
of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers could be heard but frustratingly not seen or even
approached from another angle. We could
hear the birds begging and even when the adults came in to feed but without any
chance of catching a glimpse!
Once at the clearing the wind was howling but at least it
felt a little warmer and some blue was showing through. However, as they stay
so close to the ground it was actually not a problem to find the Dukes and
several were found on the main path where with a bit of patience they would
come quite close. I was hoping for an
underside shot and got just that. I was hoping for one on the Milkwort but I
never actually saw one land on any flower whatsoever.
Duke of
Burgundy Metalmark |
Duke of
Burgundy Metalmark - a cracker |
Milkwort |
Mouse-eared Hawkweed |
Dingy Skippers and Brimstones flitted around and we
encountered the odd Small Heath and Speckled Wood.
From here the path went south towards Bonsai Bank and its
Orchids but we had not gone far before we came across our first Lady and Fly
Orchids alongside the path with some subtle spikes of Common Twayblade.
Lady Orchid |
Orchid |
Early Purple Orchid - just hanging in there |
Common Twayblade |
Common Twayblade |
A chance glance by Jason found us a Butterfly Orchid hidden
about 10 yards off path. Unusually for the
date it was fully open and it appears that we may have stumbled on the only (or
another) Lesser BO for the site. Jason
has sent the images off but it appears to have parallel pollinia that are close
together rather than further apart and at a jaunty angle as for Greater BO.
Lesser Butterfly Orchid |
Lesser Butterfly Orchid |
Lesser Butterfly Orchid |
Common Spotted Orchid were just starting to show flowers
above their densely spotted leaves and Yellow-wort was also just pushing its glaucous
foliage through.
Common Spotted Orchid |
Yellow-wort |
Many of the young Wayfaring Trees had skeletonised leaves
with small but very fat grubs working hard to remove them. Some Googling suggested the larvae of a
beetle called Pyrrhalta viburni as the culprit.
Pyrrhalta viburni |
The path became lush again and banks of Red Campion were
flourishing and attended by Green-veined Whites and amorous Brimstones.
Red Campion |
Red Campion and Brimstone |
Green-veined White |
Green-veined White |
were quite a few micro moths including the striking Olethreutes arcuella and
the uber funky Alabonia geoffrella or just Geoff to his mates (who are also
called Geoff) along with Mint Moths, Small Purple Barred and Epiblema scutulana. Silver-Y and Yellow Shell were on the wing
Alabonia geoffrella |
Alabonia geoffrella |
Epiblema scutulana |
Olethreutes arcuella (Jason Moule) |
Small Purple Barred (Jason Moule) |
While the guys were telling me moth stuff I was sharing fly
stuff including the horrors of Cheilosia identification (two species were seen
one of which I think may be C.variabilis), the joy of Myathropa florea and the
ease of Episyrphus balteatus. Eristalis
tenax and arbustorum, Syrphus ribesii, Helophilus pendulus and Platycheirus
albimanus were all seen within the same sunlit sheltered patch.
Cheilosia variabilis - I suspect |
Cheilosia variabilis |
Cheilosia #2 |
Myathropa florea |
The smell of cucumber from the Salad Burnet and the pungent
hit of Water Mint wafted up from underfoot and a pair of what I think are Tenthredo
mesomela sawflies engaged in a brief but passionate liaison!
Salad Burnet |
Water Mint |
mesomela or similar
mesomela or similar
A couple of Ragged Robin were a pleasing find and the odd Beefly
and Duke appeared from time to time on the path as well as our first Green
Ragged Robin |
Foxglove |
Green Hairstreak |
Dark-edged Beefly |
Duke |
Turning through the gate took us up onto Bonsai Bank so
named for the stunted pines and firs that grow there.
Bird's Foot Trefoil |
Bird's Foot Trefoil and Osmia bicolor that nests in empty snail shells |
Columbine |
Bright-line Brown-eye |
Dogwood |
Click Beetle |
This carefully managed area was an orchid
haven and the circular walk gave many opportunities to gawp at the variation in
colour and size of the Lady Orchids strewn about the place in vague drifts of
colour. A couple of the spires were huge
and even the individual flowers were bigger and more blousy on these plants. Others were more heavily spotted or even pure
Lady Orchid |
Amongst them we found just a single vibrant Fly Orchid and a
few more budding Common Spotteds. The two
spot leaved orchids that we were in flower both had narrower less spotted
leaves and on closer nasal inspection were heavily scented and therefore Chalk
Fragrant (probably!).
Fly Orchid |
Fly Orchid |
Fragrant Orchid or possibly hybrid with Common Spotted |
Fragrant Orchid or possibly hybrid with Common Spotted |
Greater Butterflies were budding heavily and we found one
with a couple of open flowers where, if I am looking at the right bit you can
see the difference in the pollinia from the earlier specimen seen.
Greater Butterfly Orchid |
ooo - would you look at them pollinia! |
I had only ever seen White Helleborines either tightly
budded or well gone over so it was good to find quite a few plants that had
opened up enough to resemble a spire of soft boiled golden yoked eggs popping
open or perhaps I was just peckish having left my sani in the car?
White Helleborine |
More Dukes and Green Hairstreaks performed and Small Heath,
Peacock and Comma were all added to the list as we made our way back to the
Duke - a very dark one |
Duke |
Green Hairstreak |
Green Hairstreak |
Rather bizarrely a female Pheasant crashed out of the undergrowth
and threw herself at us like a smaller version of a rabid Capercaillie. She obviously had young in the brambles and
judged us too close for comfort and was making a determined effort to lure us
away in a very aggressive manner.
Socially distancing ourselves from each other and the Pheasant |
She crashed through the brambles for some way alongside us
before giving up after running around our feet with her wings out. Ten out of
ten for parental effort!
Two Nightingales sang and the Lesser Spot nest was still noisy
when we came back past and I was lucky enough to see a Tawny Owl drop out of
the chestnuts and silently drift through the trees.
Nicole and Jason live in Blean and so it would have been
rude not to go and have a quick look for the first emerging Heath Fritillaries before
heading for home. It was still early but
amazingly there were now five along the ride where they had two yesterday. They are such perfectly formed compact little
Heath Fritillary |
Large Red, Azure and Common Blue Damsels were keeping low in
the wind and two Hairy Hawker patrolled the verges. There was plenty of Cow-wheat flowering
amongst the grasses and a nearly ready Heath Frit cat was discovered too.
Large Red Damselfly |
Heath Fritillary cat |
Jason pointed out some Lousewort in the middle of the path
and I found a large Angelica growing in a ditch.
Lousewort |
Figwort |
Angelica |
It had warmed up nicely but the day was getting on and so
with a calling Lesser Spotted Woodpecker as a final encore I bid my farewells
after an unexpectedly fine day made all the better by being safely with
When I saw Canterbury in the title I thought Heath Fritillary and you kept me waiting right until the end. A very productive day and nice read. I really don’t understand why the Met Office still can’t get it right.