After a restless full moon night, it was a cold enough wake
up this morning to be able to see my breath in my room and I tweaked open the
curtain hoping for a covering of snow but alas there only appeared to be a
frost but I was determined to get out for a last walk of the year.
It was -4c when I headed out at just after nine with various
layers and hat and gloves and with my camera to hand for the first time since
the Reculver trip on the 8th.
The cars and roof tops were all coated with a thick layer of white ice
but there was little sparkle as the low grey cloud was already creeping in from
the west.
I decided on a wiggly Ranscombe route that would take me up
and over the M2 and off into the woods that way, leaving me with the steady
downhill home at the end of the circuit.
The House Sparrows were chatting away in the Cuxton Road
Pyracanthas and several Robins were singing their melancholy winter refrain as
I headed for the motorway. The road
itself was fairly quiet and the grey view east was punctuated by fast moving
beams of watery sun that tried its upmost to break through and illuminate the
farmland on the other side of the Medway.
There was a biting breeze but the clouds looked like they were moving a
lot faster and I was grateful that they were not as strong at ground level.
House Sparrows |
Chilly Pig Eons
Cotoneaster |
Young seedpods on the Foxglove Tree - half the size as last years
There were lots of frosty leaf and post opportunities alongside
the road and where the council gritter had cast its salt there was a series of
concentric circles around each individual crystal on the pavement. What was bizarre was that there seemed to be
rings of melt and freeze for each one so that they looked like monochrome RAP
Salty Roundel
I crossed the road and quickly avoided the throng of kids,
bikes, dogs and bikes in the car park, cutting across into Merrels Shaw at the
start of the mental map I had planned out.
The frost was a lot heavier up hear and the new leaves on the young
Wayfaring trees looking like frozen Broad-bodies Chasers waiting for the
Broad Bodied Wayfaring Tree
Mouse Eared Hawkweed
Nipplewort |
Plump Grey Squirrel
Redwings were moving to and fro between copses and only
occasionally stopped on a tree top but as expected the woods were very quiet as
I followed the winding trail through the Chestnuts. I was hoping to put up a
Woodcock but had no joy and so go easily distracted by frosty moss and fungi as
I passed.
Redwings |
My route took my back up to the Eurostar before heading back
in again where the wide ride gave me some nice opportunities with more frosty
hips and catkins on both Alder and Hazel.
Alder cones
Fresh Badger excavations
Rosehips |
Beech |
Wondrously mossy log
Bramble |
Beech |
Rosehips |
English Oak
I was intrigued by the patterns - another Warrenesque arty moment
Alder Catkins
Stigmella aurella on Bramble - Did you think I was not looking?
Hazel flowers
A party of Blue and Great Tits were feeding in the leaf
litter and came to see what was making the weird pishing noises shortly
followed by a Wren and two Robins.
Blue Tit
I skirted around the large fallow field which had nothing bar a
couple of Carrion Crows and two Green Woodpeckers bounded off in opposite
directions before I could even raise my camera while Jays were the only birds I
could hear in the woods themselves.
I think this is only the second Crab Apple I have found here
Jay |
I was hoping that the big ploughed field at Birch Wood
Corner would once again hold a winter bird flock and it initially appeared that
they had all moved on but some shouty dog people spooked the whole field and a
Skylark flock appeared from out of the mini furrows. There were no other species at all but I was
never the less pleased to have 45 Skylarks in one flock. Once I knew where they had settled I could
see them shuffling around looking for seeds.
Skylark |
The sun was trying to break through, casting long shadows of
the Oaks in the hedgeline but any glimmer of hope was short lived.
Common and Black-headed Gulls surface picked across the
field and several Meadow Pipits were in the re-grown Rape field next door where
the very happy young cows and sheep were munching their fill block by block.
Common Gull
Meadow Pipit
A species that I had been looking out for here since the
autumn is the Stonechat and so I was delighted to find a male hunting from the
electric fence posts around the livestock.
They are seldom alone and the expected female flew straight towards me
and started to hunt from the fence separating the field from the woodland path
where I was standing. She was most accommodating and I was also very grateful
for the lady who saw me with my camera poised, put her dog on a lead and waited
until I had taken a couple of shots before asking to come by.
male Stonechat
male Stonechat |
female Stonechat |
The south westerly breeze was sneaking in under the trees
but I still stopped by the Meadow Clary enclosure and had my coffee on what I
now call Sam’s Bench as I sat here and photographed those persistent sunbeams
on the 1st December before sending one to Sam for something to hang
onto, unknowingly just a couple of hours before he died.
There were no Linnets this time but 14 Chaffinches came up
out of the field and several Wood Pigeons clattered through the canopy while a
Buzzard mewed a little further in. Wood Spurge was visible again now that other
species have died back and the new leaves of Strawberries and Wood Sage were
already showing. The Spurge Laurel had flower buds already forming and I hope
to catch it in bloom in the early spring as I was too late by mid-April and the
Butcher’s Broom had new red berries.
Butcher’s Broom |
Black Bryony
Black Bryony |
Spurge Laurel
I spotted a rather robust wolf type spider scurrying across
the dead leaves and it stayed still just long enough for me to get a shot with
my phone. Now, I am not the best when it comes to Spider id but I have the
books and so opened my Wildguide Spider tome when I got home straight onto what
appears to be the right species – Alopecosa barbipes – a nicely marked and
patchily distributed species.
Alopecosa barbipes |
I pressed on, warmed by my coffee, biscuit and reminiscences
and popped into the top of Kitchen Field to see if there were any Orchid
rosettes visible and I found several that I think are Man Orchid where I saw
them in the summer.
Man Orchid |
Man Orchid |
Phytomyza ilicis on Holly |
Holly |
With the sky becoming more leaden by the minute I started to
work my way back up towards the Mausoleum passing two Goldcrests in a stand of
still young Wellingtonias but there was nothing else moving in the wood at all.
Common Ragwort
Lichen sp
The Highland Cattle greeted me as I came through the gate
and as usual were completely unphased by my appearance amongst them and I
walked through them and the vaguely warm steam of cowyness they were producing. A twitchy flock of 32 Lesser Redpolls danced over the canopy and alighted behind the pines to avoid further scrutiny.
I stayed on the main drag for a while partly so that I could
say hello to the biggest Sweet Chestnut who had also been utilised by a
Nuthatch as a suitable spot to jam a nut to crack open.
One of the many ancient snags still standing
Wedged nut...
And a quality rot hole in its base undoubtedly full of wondrous Hoverfly larvae
There were now far too many people on the path for my liking
including a group of ten cross country joggers and multiple family groups so I
soon veered off as soon as I could and conducted an extra loop back onto the
narrow cycle track I discovered on the 1st.
A single Wren was the only sign of life before I popped back
out by the bridge over the railway and the way home where small parties of
Redwing drifted between the tree tops where an opportunistic female Sparrowhawk
dashed in for a hoped for lunch.
Redwing |
The year may be over in just a few short hours but the Lockdown walks most certainly are not...