So, yesterday, at long last I managed a proper day out
birding this autumn and my group and I spent nearly all day sauntering up and
down Holkham Pines and Wells Wood on the sunny Norfolk coast. We arrived at
just after seven and were downing that first cup of coffee as the sun rose to
the tune of several thousand ‘winking’ Pink-footed Geese. We checked for stray white geese but no joy
and had to be happy with a ghostly Barn Owl weaving in and out of the cattle in
the field alongside.
An early rising Marsh Harrier was perched up close by and
Goldcrests were pinging around overhead in the poplars hinting that there were
at least going to be some birds to look at today! Redwings and Blackbirds
called and three Bramblings alighted in the closest tree where they ‘dweaked’
away at each other. James Lowen ambled
up and I suspect he was slightly surprised to see six birders cars there so
early in the gloom on a Monday morning but at least we now had another set of
eyes in the field to share information with. With enough light to see we headed
east towards Wells and it soon became apparent that there were still Goldcrests
aplenty along with numerous Robins and the constant calling of Redwings and
incoming Skylarks. Two noisy Buzzards came out of their roost and a Great
Spotted Woodpecker high over could have been a migrant.
A crest and Long-tailed Tit flock moved through with both
Treecreeper and Coal Tits in tow and I heard a Yellow-browed Warbler call but
could not find it. Our first Fieldfare ‘chacked’
by and Song Thrushes and more Redwings erupted from the pines. Some of the Goldcrests were ridiculously tame
and allowed you to get within a foot or two as they gleaned aphids from the
leaves and bark.
Goldcrest - Gill Price |
The explosive Pied Wagtail-like call of the Hume’s
Yellow-browed Warbler told us that we were at the right spot and although it
called very well and at close range, it was a bugger to see and most had to be
happy with a few glimpses of this frosty grey and white sprite.
The Red-flanked Bluetail was beckoning in the Drinking Pool
area and the thumbs up and ‘no problem’ comments from outgoing birders were the
immediate kiss of death and we spent the next hour patiently waiting and
looking for this most desirable of birds. Crests and Coal Tits came and went
and Bramblings, Siskins and Redpolls called over the trees but of the phantom
there was no sign so I took everyone off down the track to the spot where the
Blyth’s Reed warbler had been frequenting.
It was currently on the south side of the path in an almost unviewable
area and we needed it to move back the nice brambles on the north side. I heard it quietly tacking almost immediately
and saw it flit up into a birch before descending again. It was going to be one
of those days. James then text me to say
that the Bluetail was back so with everyone’s eye staring feverishly back the
way we came, I decided that a skulky brown Acro had nothing over a skulky
Bluetail so off we went leaving Ruth Barnes to try and get better warbler
The crew - Sam Shippey |
Thankfully the wait was not as long this time and we all
eventually got the most magnificent views of this most enigmatic of Siberian
waifs. Who would have thought that after the unblocking Winspit bird in Dorset
way back in November 1993 that it would slowly become a more frequent autumnal
feature of British birding and that I too would one day find my own one on that
memorable day at Berry Head on the 18th October 2005?
Red-flanked Bluetail - these three shots by a jubilant Sam Shippey |
Happy Antony |
There is just something special about this special and we do
not even get to see it in its full finery.
The smiles all around told the story with Antony and Sam being
especially grinny!
The amble back was somewhat more upbeat that it had been an
hour before and when the Hume’s gave itself up and showed well a few times in
the oaks and willows there was even more to smile about. It was calling frequently and very loudly and
was even joined in voice by a Yellow-browed which Jason and Nicole saw shortly
Back at the cars I very generously gave everyone a full 15 minutes
pit stop before heading back out on the track through Holkham to the west. The sun was beating down and layers had been
removed and I did not want the sun getting any more into our faces than necessary
for looking for the Isabelline Shrike.
Pinkies |
By the time we were down near the Washington Hide (via a
Firecrest!) it was really warm and the jumpers were now also off and the
sleeves rolled up. The Shrike was a long
way off but it looked vaguely rusty and no one was too fussed! Five thrush species (no Ouzel) were foraging
on the grass with Pheasants and Rabbits and Marsh Harriers were on the prowl.
Visually Impaired Shrike - Antony Wren |
Shaggy Ink Cap |
Down to the Crossroads where a Pallas’s had been seen but it
was actually quite quiet and so we had to make do with having a look for the
other Red-flanked Bluetail and although it did not sit up for us it did make a
couple of mad dashes including one right through the group when the cobalt blue
of that tail was flared as it swept into a bramble clump. It was gone two and stomachs were complaining
that the tour leader really should be getting the rest of the attached bodies
back for sustenance and so we slowly headed back in the warm sunshine with a highflying
Short-eared owl (thanks James), much better Issy Shrike views and another
Firecrest to help us along.
Goldcrest - Mark Vale |
However, we were not finished as in the last tree before the
cars the magical, mesmerising seven striped sprite that is a Pallas's Warbler was bouncing around the Holm
Oak on some sort of elastic string that caused it to hover and show off those
stripes and lemon yellow rump. We plonked our achy bodies down on the benches
and were even able to watch it whilst top up those diminished reserves. What a great finale to a stunning seven and a
half hours birding.
Pallas's Warbler - Mark Vale |
Papping |
More Papping - Gill Price |
There was more to come though and after a slightly tortuous
journey in convoy to the east during which time it was suggested that I get out
and jog up to the car in front and ask them to go a little faster. Pat was almost foaming...
Beeston Regis Common was the spot and the second Isabelline
Shrike of the day was in the bag in under one minute from the cars and performed
beautifully in the late evening sunshine.
I even managed to at last take some pictures of something!
Isabelline Shrike |
Isabelline Shrike |
Time was slipping by but with the light holding we nipped
back to Kelling Heath to have a look for a Great Grey Shrike that had been seen
earlier in the afternoon but as expected it had moved through. Linnets, Meadow Pipits and Redwings were
heading off to roost and three Stonechats were still active. A distant Buzzard and a male Goshawk with two
crows in attendance were seen and another large raptor with corvid attention
delightfully proved to be a Rough-legged Buzzard which was a superb way to end
the day. The walk back did not produce
any Dartfords but there were some mighty fine Fly Agarics.

Handshakes and smiles and off on the journey home via the
regular stop off for dinner at Mother Hubbards in Swaffham which was going swimmingly
with the usual Special of fish ‘n’ chips, buttered roll, drink and mushy peas
for £6.95. Pat and his Yorkshire roots always takes exception to the nature and
appearance of overly green southern mushy peas but declaring to all and sundry with
typical Pat volume that ‘there is too much peaness’ was a step too far and then
when much guffawing ensued saying even louder ‘I said peaness... PEA....NESS’
does not in fact make things better....
Well, quite a day with a haul of Siberian waifs and strays
to make any notebook gleam with poorly drawn doodles and a plethora of *****
and !!!!!!!
Birding mojo and I reacquainted?
I very much think so...
PS: thanks to everyone for letting me use your pictures!
I couldn't manage a trip like that, so reading about it, written so beautifully and seeing such wonderful pictures, is the next best thing. Thank you all.