A Monday off after a long weekend at work but I persuaded
myself that it should not be wasted and arranged to meet up with Jason down at RSPB
Blean Woods near Canterbury to have a look for Heath Fritillaries before
heading off with some quality orchid hunting.
The clouds parted on cue as we headed into the woods from
the eastern side and just a short walk from their little house in the village
and almost immediately we found our first Frits. As the sun came out it became
apparent that they were having a grand year and in just two clearings we
counted about 70 on the wing.
Heath Fritillaries |
I have only seen a couple before in Pound Wood in south
Essex on a walk with the Jacksons a few years ago and so this was a real treat.
They danced around us and the females were very receptive and were dragging in
the fluttering males from all directions.
Their larval food plant, Cow-wheat, was present in good quantities so
hopefully another productive season is in the offing.
Cow-wheat |
The odd Meadow Brown, Holly Blue and Speckled Wood were seen
along with several Common Blue Damselflies. Persistent Clegs followed us around
and Syrphus hoverflies were the
commonest species seen along with Episyrphus
balteatus while a fine Volucella
pellucens and a couple of Eristalis
tenax and pertinax were found. A Xylota segnis was licking sap off of
Bramble leaves and as usual not looking like a hoverfly at all. On Sunday I was
shown a nice Conopid called Sicus ferrugineus at the reserve and so
it was pleasing to find another today to show to Jason.
Xylota segnis |
Sicus ferrugineus |
Sicus ferrugineus |
Buckthorn and Wild Service Tree saplings grew alongside the
path and there was a nice patch of Woodruff, Pendulous Sedge, Hedge Woundwort
and Lesser Spearwort in the edges and Heath Speedwell was new for me.
Hedge Woundwort |
Lesser Spearwort |
Heath Speedwell |
Several Common Spotted Orchids were seen in
the glades and the scent of Honeysuckle drifted through the warming air but it
paid not to get too distracted with lines of Wood Ants scurrying to and from
their mounded nests.
Common Spotted |
Honeysuckle |
Wood Ant Nest |
We ambled back past a wall of Wild Privet and pungent
Horseradish before crossing the main road to a tiny nature reserve called
Keir’s Meadow. A completely manmade site
but a fabulous spot with a swathe of grasses filled with buttercups, knapweed,
vetches, vetchlings, sorrels and Ox-eye Daisies. A couple of Large Skippers and
Silver Y Moths zipped around and a single spike of what I think is Large
Spearwort was flowering in the pond where Azure Damselflies hunted.
Keir’s Meadow |
Spearwort |
Large Skipper |
Lunch outside the house scanning the skies for garden ticks
provided none but there was a nice patch of Fox and Cubs in the lawn!
Fox and Cubs |
Nicole escaped work and joined us for the afternoon orchid
session. We headed south towards Folkestone to Park Gate Down and just like
Yockletts a couple of weeks back it started setting off memory alarm bells of a
visit the best part of thirty years ago.
The next hour was spent wandering through the sloping meadow
paths surrounded by literally hundreds of spikes of lilac, pink, white and
cerise orchids. To be honest I got very confused but it would appear that most
were Fragrant with various shades noted and a wonderful heady scent and Common
Spotted – from pale pink to white. To me the Fragrant looked looser flowered
than the tight headed Spotteds. Several Greater Butterfly were seen along with
triangular Pyramidals, a single well over the hill Lady and very over Early
Purple, a couple of bizarre looking Monkey, two tiny flowered Fly, a single
Bee, clumps of almost over Common Twayblade and two miniscule Musk Orchids no
more than four inches high with the smell of honey wafting up when you got down
to their level.
Park Gate Down |
Fragrant |
Fragrant |
Fragrant |
Fragrant |
Common Spotted |
Monkey |
Pyramidal |
Pyramidal & Meadow Brown |
Common Twayblade |
Common Twayblade |
Greater Butterfly |
Greater Butterfly |
Fly |
Fly, Greater Butterfly & Fragrant |
Musk |
Yellow Rattle and Rock Roses flowered among the orchids and
a patch of wild Columbine was growing up near the Bracken slope.
Yellow Rattle |
Columbine |
Common Blues, Brown Argus, Brimstones and Dingy Skippers
flitted amongst the blooms and the first young grasshoppers were pinging away
as we walked through.
With time pressing on we moved on to near the village of Womanswold
where a quick walk into a dark little piece of wood added some gone over White
Helleborines and several Birds Nest Orchids to the growing list. The best
spikes were in a shaft of sunlight and the warm smell of floral honey came up
to meet us before I hunkered down for a snap or two. Marsh Tits called and Buzzards soared
Birds Nest |
Birds Nest |
One more stop and time for a rarity. Wye NNR was our destination
and we were soon looking at several Late Spider Orchids safely protected on
their downland hillside. No two spikes looked the same and I wonder if there is
some hybridization action going on but I am so very out of my depth on this
sort of thing but one bloom did look more Bee like?
Wye NNR |
Late Spider |
Late Spider- different to the above specimen |
Late Spider- I presume, albeit a different shape and pattern |
We left in the sunshine and headed back to Blean with
Yellowhammers and Bullfinches flicking across the country lanes...
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