12th December:
Not the best of nights sleep with some Mosquito net issues
but I somehow come out of it unscathed before heading over for an early
breakfast so that we could catch our powered canoe across the river to the
mangrove swamp of the Bao Bolong nature reserve.
We ambled past a confiding Hamerkop and a couple of
Yellow-billed Kites as we walked across the beach to the jetty where Little
Swifts were careening around madly and dashing under the decaying concrete
Hamerkop |
Our ride awaits |
Boarding the boat was an interesting exercise in balance and
commitment but the entire group made it without incident and we were soon
underway across the tranquil stillness passing the odd Gull-billed and Caspian
Tern on the way and countless hundreds of white butterflies heading
determinedly back the way we had just come in an exodus of flickering confetti.
Tern |
The boat was aimed at a dark area in the mangrove edge which
soon became a wide channel which we puttered along for the next three
hours. We were heading slowly against
the outgoing tide and diverted onto small channels where the mangroves almost
touched both sides with arching limbs reaching for the water to root down in the
silt while in other places submerged roots struck for the air and poked from
the mud like reaching fingers.
There were birds all around and proper birding from a small
wooden boat was a new experience but incredibly rewarding. Keeping a camera steady and working with
constantly fluctuating light conditions was equally challenging and the heat
haze was again an issue but I concentrated on using my bins and seeing
everything I could as well as possible with eyes and ears straining, recording
and storing.
Fish eating birds unsurprisingly accounted for much of the
avian biomass encountered with a huge colony of White-breasted Cormorants
dominating a vast rookery with all the associated noise of adults and begging
chicks and the smell of tonnes of fishy guano covering the nest trees.
White-breasted Cormorants |
White-breasted Cormorants |
White-breasted Cormorants |
African Darters were omnipresent and occasionally even
stayed put long enough for a pic or two but for the most part they simply just
fell off their perches and plummeted from whatever height straight into the
murky waters.
African Darter |
Now, with a long snaky neck and pointy bill you may have
thought that these odd looking birds would enter the water Gannet like with
bill leading the way but no, they enter chest first with the head pulled back
and an almighty splash that scares the dohdahs out of you the first time it
happens at close range.
And that would be the last of it... no trail of bubbles or a
surreptitious head appearing from the surface – they just vanished. Perhaps the splash is to scare of the West
African Crocodiles and prevent any accidental impaling of said reptiles by plummeting
avian daggers? I was especially pleased to actually two of these huge armoured
beasts slipping into the water.
African Darter |
My first West African Crocodile... no trailing hands in the water |
Intermediate Egrets seemed to outnumber Great Whites and it
was good to get better views of this odd looking species that, when feeding,
seems to resemble a Cattle Egret that has been jammed into a Little Egrets
Intermediate Egret |
Intermediate Egrets |
Great White Egret |
Great White Egret |
A couple of lemon shaped Striated Herons lurked just into
the leaves along with several roosting Black Crowned Night Herons but of the
elusive and very shy White Backed Night Herons there was no sign and our
diligent searching suggested that the bossy Black Crowns had pushed them from
their roost but there was so much to see that this mild disappointment did not
Striated Heron |
Grey Herons and Western Reef Herons watched our passing and
we eventually came upon a beast of a Goliath Heron that lived up to and beyond
my expectations. The bill on it was simply obscene. It did not linger long and
it lumbered off on vulture sized wings.
Grey Heron |
Western Reef Heron |
Western Reef Heron |
Goliath Heron |
Goliath Heron - Paul French |
Goliath Heron |
A single Purple Heron and several Little and Cattle Egrets joined the
party and both African and Eurasian Spoonbill were seen along with many Sacred
Ibis. White Breasted Cormorants passed
over continually and Pink-backed Pelicans were spooked from the river ahead in
a panic of foot slapping and rushing wings.
African Spoonbill |
Ibis |
Long-tailed Cormorant, Sacred
Ibis & Intermediate Egret |
Pink-backed Pelican |
A party of 29 Great White Pelicans were resting up on a
shallow pool actually above the level of the channel we were in and a timely
bend got us close enough for sensational views. Around their huge feet there
were Spur Winged Lapwings and good flocks of both Ruff and Whimbrel while
Little Ringed Plovers, Wood Sandpipers, Greenshank and at least two Marsh
Sandpipers were found. Flava Wagtails
called and included a buzzy sounding bird but they never dropped in where we
could see them.
Great White Pelicans |
Great White Pelicans |
Great White Pelicans |
Great White Pelicans |
Three Hamerkops were seen and I was especially pleased to
see a huge nest occupying a tree complete with the entrance hole near the
bottom like some scaled up untidy Weaver nest but big enough to house at least a
herd of goats... Four Woolly Necked Storks were feeding in one of the water
meadows and we got lucky and found a single very smart Yellow-billed Stork
feeding in a tiny sub channel that we would have missed just a few minutes
later while Weeweewee Ducks (sorry) were spooked as we rounded a corner and
circled back behind us allowing better views as we retraced out route. They
really are very dapper close up.
Woolly Necked Stork |
Yellow-billed Stork |
White-faced Whistling Duck |
Common Sandpipers, Whimbrels and Greenshanks were feeding along the creek egdes and their calls filled the air but the Senegal Thick-knees we saw under the mangroves were keeping quiet and out of the sun.
The ubiquitous Kites drifted around and a Lizard Buzzard sat
up high in a huge Baobab tree that was full of Buffalo Weavers nests and two
Ring-necked Parakeets. Aby Rollers, Fork-tailed Drongos and Senegal Coucals
were encountered in the creekside bushes.
Buffalo Weavers nests |
Senegal Coucal |
Senegal Coucal |
Fork-tailed Drongo |
An immature African Fish Eagle drifted over but we never did
see a fine adult perched up in classic documentary style but a Palm Nut Vulture
doing just that had us momentarily fooled.
Palm Nut Vulture |
Kingfishers were a constant theme and even after six days I
was still finding it difficult to take in that seeing four species from a small
boat in a morning was normal.
Pied and huge billed Blue-breasted were the most frequently
seen; the latter singing mournfully from the trees on both sides but frequently
perching up on dead snags.
Pied Kingfisher |
Blue-breasted Kingfisher |
Blue-breasted Kingfisher |
Three pocket rocket Malachites zipped around and a single
Grey Headed stayed put after having a morning bath. There were smiles all round as this is not an
easy species here.
Malachite Kingfisher |
Malachite Kingfisher |
Grey Headed Kingfisher |
Grey Headed Kingfisher |
The only Sunbird in the swamp is the specialised Mouse Brown
and we heard them on the entire journey and often saw them flick across the
channel but eventually we got lucky and two of this rather dull species
lingered on a dead branch for long enough to raise the bins.
Their nests were occasionally seen but only on snags stuck
in the channel where they were completely safe being surrounded by water and
above the high tide mark. One was
occupied and we could see a curved bill and beady eye before it sat back down.
Mouse Brown Sunbird |
Occupied Mouse Brown Sunbird nest |
A couple of very bright Sedge Warblers foraged in the reeds
and a Great Reed Warbler ‘gurked’ a little too deep in to be seen while a good
look at a couple of Weavers added Black-headed to the tally thanks, to Solomon’s
quick eye.
European and Blue Cheeked Bee-eaters were drifting through
high in small flocks and it was good to hear the latter calling – one day I
will pick one up in Lesvos in the spring!
Some came lower and forayed from dead trees giving me my
best views ever of a species I had only ever encountered from the boat on the Nile
many moons ago. Some Europeans did the same and not long afterwards I found a
couple of White-throated Bee-eaters performing the same aerial manoeuvres. The may
not be as strikingly coloured as the others of their tribe but the black and
white stripy head gives them a real bandit look!
Blue Cheeked Bee-eaters |
European Bee-eaters |
White-throated Bee-eater |
Wattle-eyes were singing from cover but never showed and a
similar fate awaited us with the equally elusive African Blue Flycatcher but
the birding gods were smiling down on us and with a little coaxing we managed
to get onto at least two of this delightful species as they flicked through a
fairly open fronted mangrove. Ash blue is actually a good colour to blend in
with the myriad of greens but we all got a good look at the pointy head and
long fanned tail.
Our guides were as pleased as us to actually see this
delightful species so well rather than leaving with memories of melodic song
and fleeting flashes through the foliage. Too soon the creek began to widen and we emerged once more
onto the mirror calm main river with the sound of Blue Breasted Kingfishers echoing
behind us as we ‘phut phutted’ our way back to Tendaba after yet another top
drawer experience.
Far to the west there were huge billowing clouds of grass
smoke and these fires were visible in several directions by the time we had
finished our lunch in Tendaba and loaded the bus ready for the long journey back west to
There was time enough to stop at Terminal One again
especially as the Ground Hornbills had been seen there the evening before. We had
no joy but there was plenty to see with a roosting flock of Gull-billed and
Caspian Terns, three Wood Sandpipers and better views of Wattled Lapwings
Chestnut- backed Sparrow-larks were disturbed and two other
small sandy larks were seen as they flew low over us. There was little to go on but they had a
fairly fine downcurved bill and breast streaking and if memory serves me correct John had
seen them on the deck and crests were noted which points in the direction of
Sunlarks. It was just a pity that they
did not land again – nevermind.
Similarly a party of hirundines moved through that included Red-chested
Swallows and House Martins but with them were two very robust Red-rumped types –
bigger than that species and the Rufous-chested Swallows seen yesterday with
richly coloured underparts fading to pale towards the upper breast and throat –
Mosque Swallows.
There was another hirundines with the flock too – House Martin-like
in the strong sunlight but with the appearance of a grey rump. The jury is
still out on this one and I am hoping that Austin still has a picture of it. I
cannot honestly remember whether there were tail streamers or not so was it a
first winter House Martin or the much more unusual Grey Rumped Swallow? I will
update one way or the other when I find out!
Vultures and Kites circled way in the distance where more smoke was
piling into the still air and a Wahlberg’s Eagle and Grey Kestrel were both
seen. Small Hornbills flopped between trees and a couple of Little Bee-eaters became
the fourth species for the day and gave me my best views so far.
Little Bee-eater |
We hit the road and made a couple of short stops along the
straight route back. Amazingly Santos found
no less than three Bateleur from the front seat with both sexes and a juvenile
seen within a hour. There was time to get off the bus and watch the first one
cruise away but the juvenile was clocked at 80kmh keeping pace with the bus
with not a single beat of those wonderfully odd wings until it chose to bank
and sweep away to the north.
Bateleur- just awesome |
A spiral of big Vultures was observed and contained a couple
of White-backs amongst the Griffs and Ruppell’s with a few Hooded making it a
nice foursome.
White-backed Vulture |
White-backed Vulture |
Vulture sp |
Griffon Vulture |
A Long Crested Eagle was possibly one of the highlights of
the day as it posed in a roadside tree, peering around for prey on the ground
while that preposterous crest blew around behind it. For a medium sized eagle,
you would not have wanted to have an argument with those talons!
Long Crested Eagle |
Long Crested Eagle |
Blue Breasted Rollers started to appear more regularly and Aby
Rollers were now seldom encountered but it was Rufous Crowned Roller that we
had yet to see but some quality finding from the bus by the guys in full Action
Man Eagle-eye mode, added a pair of this species. A big headed bird with a
bushy white superc and streaky plum underparts and wings that looked like petrol
and royal blue in flight. One bird
stayed put in its acacia with a Shikra for company and the other moved to a
telegraph pole vantage point but refused to let us get the sun in a better
Blue Breasted Roller |
Blue Breasted Roller |
Rufous-crowned Roller |
Rufous-crowned Roller |
The rest of the drive may have included occasional bouts of
semi-consciousness but I do remember seeing some Cattle Egrets in a wet field
and two grey herons with black crowns and necks but we were past before the now
faltering grey cells processed them as Black-headed Herons. Hopefully there
would be a chance of them on the last full day.
All too soon we were back in the colourful chaos of Kotu but
there was still time for some more birding so we got dropped off about half a
mile from the hotel and joined a proper paved path that led through a wild area
of palms and scrub interspersed with pools and paddies.
Double Spurred Francolins were calling away and two bolted
from cover while Yellow-billed Kites loafed around in the top of the trees.
Flocks of mixed pigeons and doves disappeared into the rice spooking both
Wattled and Spur-winged Lapwings with groups of Village Weavers zooming around
and still, to my ears making noises like happy Crossbills.
Yellow-billed Kites |
Spur-winged Lapwing |
Wee wee wee |
Three Coucals clambered clumsily around and always feel like
they are slightly inebriated and we got some good views of White Billed Buffalo
Weavers as they squabbled in an Acacia that also contained a strange looking
thing that Paul identified as a female Northern Puffback.
Senegal Coucal |
Santos had hopes of finding Pearl Spotted Owlet for us here
and began to imitate its call. As usual lots of little birds got angry and
piled in including four Tawny Flanked Prinias and both Blackcap and Brown
Babblers. They got even more agitated
when an Owlet actually responded and came to see what was going on!
Tawny Flanked Prinia |
Pearl Spotted Owlet |
It glared down at us with fierce yellow eyes and head bobs
to ascertain what we were. Like Pygmy
Owl, I believe it is a small bird specialist which is why it was now getting so
much grief from the babblers before they forced it to retreat.
Presuming that this would be the last new bird of the day
was a mistake as Santos then pulled a Woodland Kingfisher out of the bag, no
more than 100m from the Kotu Bridge! It resembled a smaller, greyer headed
Blue-breasted with a finer bill and aqua-marine mantle and it performed
admirably despite the traffic and people whizzing by.
Woodland Kingfisher |
Woodland Kingfisher |
We did not stop at the bridge itself and headed for the
hotel but I now wanted to see if I could add a fourth Roller and sixth
Kingfisher to the day list so I dumped my gear and headed back to the bridge
where both Broad-billed and Giant filled their respective family slots to
complete a long day jammed full of new birds, experiences and sounds to file
away on my internal hard drives.
male Giant Kingfisher |
female Giant Kingfisher |
female Giant Kingfisher |
You couldn’t fail to be impressed with the Goliath Heron and that Malacite is a real gem. Once again, a nice read Howard. Lawrence
ReplyDeleteHey Howard. What a great blog post! The pictures are spectacular! Thanks for sending the link.
ReplyDeleteJohn Weier
Winnipeg, Canada
My pleasure John... track back to the start if you wish... it is all in there.
ReplyDeleteA memorable trip and thank you for your company