another good night’s sleep (with no intrusions from the errant Coatis) I was up
and heading up to the AOL veranda before first light with a Spectacled Owl singing somewhere
off in the distance and the squabbling of the Montezuma Oropendolas that were
already trashing the fruit at the feeding station. The female Great Curassows
were in as well but most other birds were playing it cool.
Montezuma Oropendolas like a mob of oversized teenage Starlings |
Great Curassow |
came and went and we even got a sneak preview of the summit as it briefly poked
through the rushing cloud cap. The crew
headed off towards the gardens and over the bridge like the evening before for
a quick hour before breakfast. Yellow-faced
Grassquits were new and the Violet Headed, Rufous tailed and immature male
Coquette were still about and it was at this point that Arenal showed through
the cloud and allowed for a few shots before being enveloped once again in a
blanket of white.
Arenal and a happy troop - I do not think that Dad is yawning - Steve Bird |
mini circuit took us a little way into the woods but it proved most productive
with our first dinky Spotted Antbirds in chestnut, black and white alongside
the path and the hypnotic, out of key melody of a Nightingale Wren. We had been told that this was almost
impossible to see so I was delighted when this almost black mouse sized wren
with an oversized bill appeared in my bins as I scanned branches just off the
ground. He was still singing and tilted his head back as he did so.
Frustratingly I could only get Steve onto it which was a pity but at least we
all got to hear his haunting melody.
glance up by Gina gave us a fat lump at the end of a branch which became a
Great Potoo in cryptic shades of grey and brown. You could just make out the tip of the bill
and the slit of an eye.
Great Potoo |
at our feet the Spotted Antbirds reappeared and whilst looking at them we also
saw our first Golden Crowned Warbler and two well marked White-breasted Wood
Wrens which also occasionally sang.
for breakfast for us with the Monty O’s still tucking into theirs with the
Guans, Chachalacas and Curassows for company.
A single Chestnut-headed Oropendola briefly dropped in and would be the
last one we saw all trip.
Montezuma Oropendolas |
Montezuma Oropendolas and Crested Guans |
Chestnut-headed Oropendola |
Great Curassow |
Great Curassow |
Crested Guan |
had put a branch on the table below to make it more pleasing photographically
but an intelligent little Coati was light enough to scale the ginger plants and
clamber up the twigs to claim his prize banana which he quite sensibly munched
whilst still there rather than retreating!
Commando Coati |
Bananaquit |
Our room down to the left! |
post-breakfast walk took us back the way we had come to start with, passing both
Hepatic and Summer Tanagers near reception and the Hummers in the garden showed exceptionally well with a full adult male Black-crested Coquette in all his wispy finery along with Green Thorntail, Violet-headed, Rufous Tailed and Scaly-breasted.
Black-crested Coquette |
Black-crested Coquette - Steve Cullum |
We veered past our earlier path
through the edge of the gardens where a pair of imposing Great Antshrikes were crashing
about in the low bushes. The male was
black above and white below with beady red eyes and the female was the same but
with a rich chestnut replacing the black.
House Wrens and White Breasted Wood Wrens sang and popped out to say
hello occasionally.
new path wended its way slightly down slope and another pair of WB Wood Wrens
and two Barred Antshrikes appeared and moved along in front of us. Suddenly a
Spotted Antbird hopped out and then another.
There was rustling and a commotion in the brush. There were more birds than we could see at
first glance. We then noticed the Army
Ants working in the same direction, just on the cusp of the vegetation and what
then ensued was a magical time spent with the swarm and it associated
Spotted Antbird |
Spotted Antbird - female |
Antbirds were joined by tan and white Bicoloured Antbirds and a female Great
Antshrike crashed in to snaffle some antsnax.
Steve had mentioned the outside chance of an Ocellated Antbird and a bit
like the Nightingale Wren earlier, there was suddenly a spangled back and big
blue face patch in my bins. The difference
this time was that everyone managed to get on it as this more thrush-like
species leapt down for an ant, tossed some leaves around and hopped back up.
Several of all three Antbird species were present and we lapped up the chance
to watch these normally reclusive species squabble over who got the best line
of ants. I seem to remember Gina saying that
they had only ever encountered a path side antswarm a couple of times in all
their forty visits to the country.
Bicoloured Antbird - can you see him? |
Bicoloured Antbird |
Bicoloured Antbird |
Spotted Antbird - Steve Cullum |
Spotted Antbird - Steve Cullum |
Ocellated Antbird - Steve Cullum |
Ocellated Antbird |
we pried Steve B away and ventured onwards buoyed by our success. A Scale
Crested Pygmy Tyrant was singing as we passed the Frog Pool where a smart
spread winged blue Damsel was seen and shortly after this we found the bird in
the trees above us. This flycatcher is
minute being a little bigger than a Goldcrest. In trying to get everyone onto
it I managed to slip off of the concrete bridge and somehow do the splits with
a leg either side to save myself. I am
still not quite sure how I did not either crack my head, tumble down the slope
or tear something nasty in the process but clambered to my feet and even
managed to get a couple of shots of our daily flycatcher tick.
Scale Crested Pygmy Tyrant |
Scale Crested Pygmy Tyrant |
Forest Pond Dasher, (Micrathyria venezuelae) |
next new bird was not much further on with a Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush
briefly appearing on a bough and a quick shout from Steve got us all onto a
gleaming black and yellow White-throated Shrike-Tanager with a large hooked
bill. He told us to pay attention as it
always leads a pack of foraging birds and sure enough they piled in behind it
and for a few moments it was shear madness as we tried to get onto and identify
the species rushing through the trees in front. Streak-headed Woodcreeper and Plain Xenops
poked in crevices and dark olive Carmiol’s Tanagers along with Cinnamon Becards
flashed through. There was undoubtedly more but it was all too quick. Yellow-throated Toucans fed higher up and a
Black-faced Trogon was seen. The
next tangle held a Trilling Gnatwren which showed very well – another species with
an oversized bill. As you may have noticed there are a paucity of jungle images for this day. The light was challenging and the birds often brief so watching and experiencing became the priority for the most part.
doubled back at this point and looped back past where the antswarm had been.
Amazingly it was still alongside the path and we once again got sucked back
into the Antbird melee. The views were
even better the second time around and we confirmed that three Ocellateds were
present along with a new species – the Dull Mantled Antbird which is a rather
unfair name for a subtly marked bird.
At one stage a male Spotted picked up an additional ant after dropping down but this one was large and had clamped itself to its leg! it took some writhing around and twisting to reach the offending Soldier and despatch it.
Leaving was even trickier this time...
Bicoloured Antbird |
Bicoloured Antbird |
Spotted Antbird |
Spotted Antbird |
Spotted Antbird |
Ocellated Antbird |
Ocellated Antbird |
Ocellated Antbird |
Ocellated Antbird - Steve Bird |
Ocellated Antbird - Steve Bird |
moved on up through the gardens past two Crested Guans in a fruiting tree
filled with Tanagers that included Golden Hooded, Silver-throated and Blue Grey. The lawns were being thoroughly
checked out by a big Coati pack consisting of several families. They are completely unconcerned by our
presence which is not to say that they came over to interact; they simply did
not stop what they were doing when you walked past or stopped, merely looked up
and then carried on looking for food.
The Great Potoo was still there too! |
‘chip’ got our attention and I was delighted to find that it was fine male
Golden Winged Warbler – a smidgen over 31 years since I saw the Kentish bird on
that memorable winters day.
almost made it back for lunch but more activity as we climbed the last few
steps back to reception had our eyes up once again to discover a gleaming
sulphur and blue Tropical Parula in the pines with Black and White Warbler,
Chestnut Sided Warbler and Yellow-throated Vireo for company. Another Cinnamon
Becard gave more prolonged views and while trying to refind the B&W I
picked up a male Tawny Capped Euphonia in the same tree.
Tawny Capped Euphonia |
A Leather-type bug but with rugby players legs! |
for a brief food intake stop. Whilst
sitting down indoors (yes, I honestly did) I saw two people looking at the decking
outside. It was very hot by now and being curious I popped outside and found a
frog in need of rescuing before it cooked.
I placed it on a leaf around the ornamental pond and took some shots of
this tan coloured creature that has now been identified as a Rosenberg’s Tree
Rosenberg’s Tree
Frog (Hypsiboas rosenbergi). |
Masked Tityra watched the Oropendolas squabbling and Mr Curassow was back on
patch and strutting his stuff. As usual
the four females were unimpressed. Tanagers came and went and a Red-eyed Vireo
made a brief appearance. The Woodnymph and Stripe Throated Hermit were back and
a White Tipped Dove gave us its best views as it fed on the ground showing the
diagnostic pale blue eye ring.
Golden Hooded Tanager |
Emerald Tanager |
While Mrs C quite lost her head at the site of his fine coiffe... |
Great Curassow |
White-tipped Dove |
sorry - yet another Monty O |
Stripe-throated Hermit |
Dad just chilled |
Masked Tityra |
a little time to spare I headed back over the bridge for a half hour mooch getting
more wonderful views of the hummingbirds and finding a four flycatcher
courtyard where Social, Grey Capped, Kiskadee and Tropical Kingbird were all
feeding. Black-striped Sparrows sang
alongside House Wrens and Variable Seedeaters were poking about on the lawns.
Grey Capped Flycatcher |
Social Flycatcher |
Variable Seedeater |
Black Striped Sparrow |
Violet Headed HB |
Rufous-tailed HB |
Rufous-tailed HB |
Scaly Breasted HB |
got distracted by a very elegant Bamboo Orchid with a single flower atop each
eight foot step and as I got back towards our room the Coatis ambled past me on
their way somewhere and a smart Middle American Ameiva (Holcosus festivus
occidentalis) cautiously watched me from the side wall.
Path to our Lodge |
And path Coati |
Bamboo Orchid |
Long-tailed Skipper sp |
Emerald Spotty Skipper sp - I made that one up |
Middle American Ameiva (Holcosus festivus occidentalis)
reconvened on time and headed around the top road above the gardens to get us
to the River path without too many distractions but snapping Manakins stopped
us briefly and at long last everyone got a good view of White Collared males as
they bounced around looking like the most sumptuous lemon meringue pie. Mmm...
White Collared Manakin |
White Collared Manakin - Steve Cullum |
followed the path down through the trees with the sound of the river increasing
off to our right as we did so. Orange
Bellied Trogon was the first new species seen although Steve says that it has
been re-lumped with Collared but hey-ho.
It was a cracking bird regardless of taxonomic status! A pair of Slaty
Antwren showed very well pathside with a bit of effort and all around we could
hear the song of Thicket Antpitta although our chances of seeing this species
were basically zero. Ask Steve for some
Thicket AP stories...
Bellied Trogon |
Bellied Trogon - Steve Cullum |
Amazing orange and lime peeling bark on super smooth trunks |
Well... fruits from a vine... |
Bromeliad |
Wren was a target here but we only got the briefest of snatches but we fared
better further along the trail with a couple of Ochre-bellied Flycatchers and
more good views of Dull-mantled Antbird and stripy headed Golden Crowned
Warblers. Tropical Parulas and Chestnut-sided Warblers were in the canopy but
birding in the afternoon down here was tricky and the woods were quieter than
we had hoped.
of us popped down to see the waterfall that we could hear before reaching a clearing with another
suspension bridge.
Once across it opened
out into a serious of tree lined paddocks and a fine view but there were no
raptors to be seen and the only birds encountered were a group of Red-billed
Pigeons that slowly aggregated on a dead snag. Another Orange-bellied Trogon
was perched up watching us when we crossed back across but the return leg was
now very quiet although Russet Antshrike was a new addition but again was high
A Ginger relative? Not sure... |
Pigeons |
Pigeons |
Wrens and the Thicket Antpittas serenaded us as we walked back before we
deviated back through the gardens for one last look. Despite the late hour the Hummers were still
active and two chattering chunky Band Backed Wrens bounded around a palm shouting
at each other and spooking both Summer and Passerini’s Tanagers from their
A typical through the canopy view of a singing Yellow-throated Toucan |
was dawdling at the back with Julie and as we crossed the bridge for a final
time I spied a small Empidonax flycatcher
feeding below. The light was truly appalling but I somehow got a shot at about
a 4th of a second that added Least Flycatcher to the trip list.
Least Flycatcher |
to freshen up before dinner and then be distracted by some inverts around the
lights outside and watch nocturnal foraging Leafcutter Ants taking home
individual flower blooms.
Leafcutter Ants |
I called this one the Strawberry & Cream Ermine |
Funky Leafhopper |
sound of Cicadas and images of Ocellated Antbirds rocked me to sleep in no
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