Saturday 1 June 2024

Hungary Day 4 - 21st May 2024 for Bird's Wildlife & Nature Tours

A final walk around the grounds of Kondor Tanya (with Clara the chocolate Lab in tow once again) afforded excellent views of the now usual suspects which of course included Rollers, Bee-eaters, Hoopoes and Golden Orioles.  The Short-toed Treecreepers gave themselves up in the gardens and an Icterine Warbler was giving it large in the one mature Poplar that survived the tornado about six years ago.  We packed up and now with Andrea on board too headed off on the second part of this Hungarian adventure.

Golden Oriole - they had found a Mulberry tree

Brown Hare

Brown Hare

Bugloss sp

Pseudopanthera macularia

Short-toed Treecreeper - Neil Colgate

We stopped first at the towering forests of Tőserdő where, through the Mosquitos, we experienced six species of Woodpecker between us with close views of foraging Middle and Great Spotted and a mighty hammering Black along with hearing Green, Grey-headed and Lesser Spotted. Some of the dead wood damage from the Blacks was astonishing.  

Middle Spotted Woodpecker

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Black Woodpecker damage -

Black Woodpecker

Black Woodpecker - Neil Colgate

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Neil Colgate

Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Neil Colgate

Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Neil Colgate

Roman Snails crisscrossed the paths and Spotted Flycatchers, Robins and Wrens were common. Unsurprisingly we were the only people there.

Green Lizard

Roman Snail - look at that magnificent foot!

Spotted Flycatcher - Neil Colgate

Nearby we stopped for lunch at the church and overlooked a well vegetated lagoon but unlike those yesterday it had plenty of open water and lilies upon which Black-headed Gulls and Whiskered Terns were nesting and was full of the comings and goings of other nesting wetland birds.

Spoonbills, Night Herons and Pygmy Cormorants were nesting in the bushes below us and we added our first (and only) Cattle Egret and orange ovoid Squaccos while plumed Great White Egrets and snaky necked Purple Herons dropped into the reed fringes. It was good to see so many of the tiny Cormorants flying around with their huge cousins. 

Pygmy Cormorant - Neil Colgate

Pygmy Cormorant, Spoonbill and Squacco at range!

Duke or Argyll's Tea Plant - or Goji Berry if you are feeling healthy

Synaphe moldavica

A River Warbler had a couple of warm up sessions below us and Penduline Tits were heard at several spots while the cyclical machinations of an Eastern Olivaceous Warbler were an unexpected bonus. A hepatic phase female Cuckoo flew between us bubbling as she went and was a first for everyone and several frantically calling males were heard in the vicinity.  Much to Gabor’s (and my) relief, three rather scruffy Syrian Woodpeckers put on a show in a couple of drowned Willows and even lingered long enough to get a good look at in the scope while a Savi's Warbler sung below. My final European Woodpecker and the eighth of the trip – I only have Levaillant’s and Arabian if I want a complete WP list I believe.

Marsh Harrier - Neil Colgate

Syrian Woodpecker

Syrian Woodpecker

The now regular Dragons and Damsels were noted and another Lesser Purple Emperor came down for path salts. We attempted to wade along the path to a further viewpoint but it was just too deep and muddy – Gabor took his sandals off and merrily squelched and the mission was soon aborted.

'You go ahead Gabor - we shall just watch from here'

A post Syrian icecream

A long drive now ensued as we headed north east for the Bükk Hills. There was little to add on the journey through mile after mile of flat arable land (which is the subtle way of saying that I may have nodded off) and a brief stop of Lake Tisza was required to stretch the legs. Night Herons were picking morsels from the weedy surface while in flight and Great Reed Warblers were grinding away.

Common Blue I think - Neil Colgate

Migrant Spreadwing - Lestes barbarus - Neil Colgate

Penduline Tits and some as yet, unidentified Amphibian were vocal on the other side of the levee and a 2cy male Montagu's Harrier had me guessing for a short while. 

Montagu's Harrier

One last roadside pull in gave everyone grand views of displaying Turtle Doves and a Marsh Warbler was singing but slow to get going and of course refused to show itself.

Red-backed Shrike - Neil Colgate

Turtle Dove - Neil Colgate

Black Veined Moth - Siona lineata

Black Veined Moth - Siona lineata

Turtle Dove display

From here we climbed up into the heavily wooded hills, past the famous Thummerer Vineyards where Bulls Blood is made and arrived at our hotel in Noszvaj in time for dinner where a Tawny Owl called from outside. A glass of said local wine may have accompanied dinner.

Blue sky!

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