Friday, 31 January 2025

Lowestoft Life - 30th - 31st January 2025

Yesterday I had a talk to give the other side of Ipswich for the Suffolk Bird Club and so left at lunchtime to bird my way south.  It was cold but glorious and I began at Hen Reedbeds after a wiggle through the lanes.

The marsh has had some serious seasonal  reed clearance and looked great but was completely birdless with not a single duck, heron or even Moorhen in the shallow cut areas.  It was very odd.  Marsh Harriers were quartering further back and there were eight Buzzards and a Red Kite circling within the inland view but I do not think the raptors were responsible for the lack of birds on the deck.

I walked down and across the road and out along the river wall.  The tide was in and there was a flock of Curlews up on the grassy hill with a few Rooks but I could not find another wader roosting up anywhere and again not one duck.  Some days you begin to wonder if the birds are avoiding you.  Two more Marsh Harriers were over the big reedbed and a Kingfisher dashed back towards the road as I retraced my steps.


Back at the car I could hear Siskins in the Alders and a couple of Great Tits.  Time to move on.  Track 42 on Westleton next and I had it to myself with no heavy plant this time.  The heather here looks a lot healthier than that on the main area of the heath towards Minsmere and I was pleased to find a pair of Stonechat, two Linnets and three Dartford Warblers.  The latter were moving around together and occasionally popped up on top but were completely silent. There were more Buzzards on the wing and the pig fields were full of Rooks, Starlings and gulls.

Gorse in bloom but too cold for any coconut smell


I diverted down to Dunwich Beach for a quick look at the sea and managed to pick up a flock of about 70 Common Scoter with a female Long-tailed Duck bobbing amongst them and Red-throated Divers were scattered across my scope scan.  Closer in a bull Grey Seal was pushing small fish to the surface and attracting a few gull who were trying to pick up tit bits and the odd ‘flying’ fish!

Inland the marsh was simply devoid of any bird life at all and a walk along the shingle produced one distant Wigeon!  I seem to remember chuckling, shaking my head and walking back to the car.

Thorpeness Mere next – no diving duck at all and just a few Gadwall and a pair of Egyptian Geese so I made my way down to North Warren.  I soon found about 50 gleaming Barnacle Geese – not as many as I expected but despite a walk and diligent scanning I could not find one Russian White-fronted Goose.  Not sure where they had snuck off too. As ever there was a distant Great White Egret and an 'Essence of' shot was required.

Barnacle Geese 

Great White Egret and a vague Parliament of Rooks

There was a fine flock of Wigeon grazing the meadows with the odd Pintail amongst them but most of this most elegant of ducks were to the south of the track on the deeper pools.  The Rooks were the most engaging species here with flocks coming and going from the pastures where some concerted probing was underway.  Groups would spiral up in to the blue and engage in musical Rooky conversations before tumbling back down to earth gleaming black and silver as they went.  Sometimes the commonest of birds can bring the most joy and salvage even the most frustrating of days.

The talk on Costa Rica went very well and it felt like a frosty day would be following it but alas when I got up early this morning it was already grey and drizzly and our day out in the Broads followed on in this theme.  However, despite the appalling light and persistent wet we did rather well.

St Benet’s Abbey was the first stop and I picked up four distant Cranes coming in to the west before the crew arrived and I could even hear them even though I suspect they were over a mile away. The Cattle Egrets were in the same field with the bullocks and now numbered eight but only Andrea saw the Short-eared Owl.

Cattle Egrets


A scan around from the ruins soon gave us a fine red wing tagged adult male Marsh Harrier and some distant Pink-feet coming in and I suspect they were part of the huge flock that were leaving Breydon and dispersing north as we passed by earlier.

Marsh Harrier

Lizzie found a rather robust Stoat busily dragging a deceased adult Moorhen across the track and down into the reed margins before a passing Harrier or Carrion Crow could notice it.  Cetti’s Warbler sung and a Stonechat was in the sedgy patch.  A Barn Owl surprised us and came in high over the river before dropping like a stone back into the farm barns.  I suspect it had been caught out by the earlier heavy rain and was making a dash back its day roost.

Lipara lucens - Cigar Gall Fly

I failed to find any more Cranes and there were only Mutes out on the marsh were Chinese Water Deer were liberally scattered as usual. A glance behind gave us a gleaming adult male Hen Harrier.  He wove his way towards us and then veered closer, disappearing behind the closest riverside Willow.  We waited in anticipation for the reappearance, scopes at the ready but he never came back out and must have kept super low behind the bank and continued east.  Regardless it was as ever a wonderful encounter.

The drizzle was reverting back to chilly rain again so we retreated and went off to look for the Ingham Swans which of cause was completely absent today with just hunch backed Mutes being seen so we opted for the sensible option of a coffee at the Dunes café at Waxham Barns before popping up onto the top of the dunes for a look at the sea (eight Cormorants) and inland where the visibility had deteriorated badly.  There were Curlew, Oystercatchers and Turnstones in the closer fields and  Green Dotpiper on a puddle a long way back. Ten Whooper Swans head and necks appeared above the sedges on a pool we could not see and I thankfully picked up two Cranes way over the back.  I initially did not notice the other seven drifting in and out of visibility in the field just behind them and by the time we drove around towards Hickling it was pleasing to discover that we could see that field easily from the road and watched these most stately of birds turning over the ploughed surface for anything they thought may be edible. A flock of Pink-feet were grazing in the field behind them.

Cranes with Pink-feet beyond


Hickling for lunch with the feeders thronging with the usual Tit suspects before we headed out on the walk to Stub Mill.  A couple of Treecreepers gave close prolonged views on the walk down and a pair of Muntjac were in the first sedgy meadow and as usual were nonplussed by our presence. Brendan’s Marsh was full of the regular dabblers and were joined by a good number of Lapwing and nine Curlews but not one Snipe.  A Green Sandpiper was close enough to actually see some features this time.

Four Water Pipits were seen flying around but never on the deck and we added Pied Wagtail and Meadow Pipits to the list along with a mobile flock of bimbling Linnets.  Four Great White Egrets and our first Little Egret were seen and there were so many Marsh Harriers quartering the reedbeds in all directions.   

Great White Egret

Common Buzzards were sat up looking rather miffed at the weather and two Kestrels were studiously hovering.  We had no intention in hanging around till the very bitter end and with darkening rain laden skies behind us we ambled back getting an escort from a party of over 30 Long-tailed Tits with a few Blue Tits and two Goldcrests in tow. 

We were all cold and damp and quite rightly decided that we had a good day in trying conditions and should escape home while it was still officially light.

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