Day 3 : 27th April:
It dawned clear and bright and we made
an early start to get out West as early as we could passing a knobbly kneed
Stone Curlew on the Christou on the way. About 45 minutes later we were at the
start of the track from Eresos to Sigri and were soon surrounded by the singing
of Cretzschmar’s Buntings and flashing pied Black-eared Wheatears. A pair of
Masked Shrikes were around the first little chapel and the first Spotted and
Pied Flycatchers of the day were flitting around the cypresses while an Eastern
Orphean Warbler was invisibly serenading us from the olives.
Female Masked Shrike |
A pair of Woodchats gave blinding views from the bus with the male displaying with crown puffed up and chest out before giving a good thrashing to another male who flew in to see what was going on.
Male Woodchat Shrike |
Male Woodchat Shrike |
Female Woodchat Shrike - not cropped at all - she was so close! |
On we went and the
first gold and grey Cinereous Buntings were soon seen and heard along with many
more lavender and chestnut Cretzschmar’s, Rock Nuthatches, Stonechats and BEWs.
Cinereous Bunting |
Corn Buntingwith squidgy offerings |
female black throated Eastern Black-eared Wheatear |
male Northern Wheatear |
Down in the valley bottom we stumbled on a patch of flycatchers which included 12
Spotted, four Pied and three male and a female Collared along with many
Whinchats, four Blackcaps, and a family of Stonechat. They did not stay
still for long but good views were had.
A huge Glass Lizard swept across the road and stayed just
long enough for me to get a picture of at least the front end as it was about a
meter long.
A monster Glass Lizard |
We continued down to the ford with two male and a female
Golden Oriole seen from the van while we were chatting with Steve and Paul. If
only Orioles behaved like that at home!
You get the idea... |
Orphean Warblers were everywhere and
the River channel was alive with more flycatchers including another fine male
Collared. Blackcaps were also flycatching and several male Great Reed Warblers
were gurking loudly and actually showing very well as were the Olivaceous which
made a change.
Eastern Orphean Warbler - one of my favourite songsters |
Balkan Green Frog |
What I suspect is a Pied Flycatcher |
Towards the sea |
Up towards Ipsilou in the distance |
Butterflies were few and
far between in comparison to the clouds this time last year but the little
yellow crucifer that they were on was not yet in flower but an Eastern Dappled
White did pose for me.
Eastern Dappled
White |
The first Black-headed Buntings were in and singing lustily from the Giant
Fennel and another Oriole and a lemony Icterine Warbler were in the Fig Grove.
Fresh in and newly bathed - a male Black-headed Bunting |
After lunch and a Long-legged Buzzard we moved onto the
Meladia Chapel where our 5th male Collared Fly was found along with many
Whinchats, more Spotted Flys and our first Tree Pipit. Seven superb Pallid
Swifts circled low overhead giving everyone the chance to absorb the subtleties
of plumage and flight.
Another fine male Collared Flycatcher - pesky post and sunshine! |
Starred Agama |
The rest of the drive to Sigri produced not much else but I would caution
against anyone in a small car tackling this stretch of track this year which
was somewhat challenging in one or two spots even in the minibus.
Whinchat on approriately rusty fence |
Singing Crested Lark - just look at that feather wear |
Cretzschmar's Bunting |
Sigri Fort |
and town |
Corn Marigold |
Giant Fennel |
Giant Fennel |
Faneromeni was pretty quiet too with a smattering of
flycatchers but no shrikes at all. The flava Wagtails at the lower ford were
great when they came down to bathe and were joined by Corn Buntings, Goldfinches
and a Lesser Whitethroat.
Blue-headed Wagtail |
Black-headed Wagtail |
Two adult Night Herons fed at the bend before being
spooked and an immature Purple Heron stalked out in one of the meadows where it was
able to disappear in the long grass. There were no raptors but we did get two
Alpine Swifts and a Ruddy Shelduck overhead. A quick look at the sea produced wavy lines of Yelkouan
Shearwaters but no Scopoli’s and a lone Shag.
Purple Heron - ACV |
Purple Heron |
Night Heron |
Night Heron |
Ruddy Shelduck |
With time pushing on we spent a great last hour on Ipsilou where the Buntings
performed incredibly well and Isabelline Wheatears skydanced and crackled at
each other.
Ipsilou Monastery |
Cretzschmar's Bunting |
With Molivos top left |
and down Meladia to the Fig grove |
Isabelline Wheatear |
We found a Rock Nuthatch feeding young in an active nest and a pair
of Blue Rock Thrushes glowed in the low light while Woodlarks sang and a Golden
Oriole fluted from the valley below.
Western Rock Nuthatch at the nest |
Black-eared Wheatear and female Blue Rock Thrush |
Black-eared Wheatear |
Black-eared Wheatear |
Two pair of Masked Shrikes were seen |
and this single Pallid Swift was with the Red-rumped Swallows |
A fine Starred Agama |
Somber Tits gave themselves up eventually
as did a Middle Spotted Woodpecker and another incredibly showy Cinereous
Bunting was a fitting way to round up a long and fruitful day...
Bunting |
Bunting |
Great set of pictures Howard
ReplyDeleteAmazing photos Howard. Looks an amazing place to go birding.