Day 7: 1st May:
An earlyish start saw us in at the start of
the Eresos -Sigri track by 0900. It was actually quite cool and a little breezy
and the first part of the journey was quieter than the other day although
Somber Tits did show well and scaly Turtle Doves played chase through the
olives around the first chapel.
'Who farted?' |
The usual Buntings showed wonderfully and the sky was unusually full of Ravens
with kronking and tumbling all around us and large numbers of Yellow-legged
Gulls were also playing over the ridge. A Common Buzzard tussled with the pale
Long-legged Buzzard that we saw on our previous visit who then in turn took on
one of the pair of Short-toed Eagles that cruised over.
Common & Long-legged Buzzard |
Common & Long-legged Buzzard |
Ravens |
Short-toed Eagle |
Rubbish Somber Tit! |
Cretzschmar's Bunting |
Meladia appeared quiet but a good scrummage around produced a few goodies over
the next few hours with the first (and as it turned out, only) Lesser Grey
Shrike of the trip munching beetles and four highly mobile male Red-backed
Shrikes but none lingered. Pied and Spotted Flycatchers were in a garden with a
male Redstart and a Cuckoo flew up the valley.
A Chukar exploded from the verge as we walked down towards the sea and a
ringtail Harrier gave the most exceptional views as she hunted the whole area and
where as I was sure she was a Pallid while watching her, one or two of my images
suggest otherwise and after some consultation my hunch that it was in fact a 2cy female Hen Harrier has proved correct. Always something to learn.
Hen Harrier |
Pallid Harrier mmm??... too many fingers now... ahhh it's a Hen Harrier! |
Holy Orchid |
Senecio sp - does not seem to match the leaf of any I can find |
Trifolium angustifolium - a beautiful Clover |
A female Marsh Harrier hunted further down
the valley. Ten Little Egrets headed inland and included one with distinctly
grey caste to the plumage before circling back to a couple of the
ephemeral pools left from the winter
Nine Egrets - grey one on the left |
Ipsilou in the distance |
Fritillary sp - probably a worn Spotted |
Some rock turning produced several nice Chequered Scorpions and a monster
Centipede (Scolopendra cingulata). On finding the latter and
colling the others over I discovered that my hand had been resting over the top
of another Scorpion which thankfully had not taken exception to me!
Chequered Scorpion | |
Centipede (Scolopendra cingulata) |
Centipede (Scolopendra cingulata) |
There were some
very large Robber flies lurking around ready to pounce on other flies and bees
but again very few butterflies.
Snake-eyed Lizards scurried across the path and large Whip Snake
reversed back into the rocks in which it was hiding.
Robber Fly |
Philaeus chrysops |
Labyrinth Spider and cricket |
Clouded Yellow - Sam Shippey |
We had lunch at the Meladia chapel and watched hundreds of Yelkouan
Shearwaters pass off shore while six towering Scopoli’s moved in the opposite
direction. Several Shags and three Sandwich Terns moved north and amazingly we
encountered presumably the same three terns heading determinedly past Sigri
harbour about 40 minutes later.
Lunch-time Spanish Sparrows |
There was little else on the track but one particular Cretzschmar's showed exceptionally well...
Cretzschmar's Bunting - ACV |
A very smart male Stonechat - just what race these birds are I am unsure but wrap around white collar, jet black uppers and no white scaps, white rump and all black tail... Underwings coverts looked black |
And a similarly interesting black-throated Black-eared Wheatear which was particularly pied and appeared differently proportioned due to the lack of a tail! |
Down at the beach at Faneromani the Yelkouan Shearwaters
were frenzy feeding just offshore allowing our best views ever and both
Cormorant and Shag were seen too. The beach pool was dry so we walked to the
river mouth where a single buzzy Wagtail revealed itself as a fine female
Citrine. We watched her for some time as she tottered along the sandy bar
picking up flies. A party of smart Blue-headed joined her and a male
Black-headed dropped in too. Two Little Ringed Plovers preened nearby and the
expected Ruddy Shelduck flew in honking circles.
Euphorbia acanthothamnos |
Egyptian Grasshopper |
Citrine Wagtail |
Citrine Wagtail |
Blue-headed Wagtail |
Pat climbing |
A full adult male Red-footed Falcon perched on some telegraph wires for long
enough for a few shots while a female Little Bittern remained motionless for an
age at the Lower Ford and Great Reed Warblers clambered along the edges with
dinky sleek Olivaceous Warblers also seen. Amazingly a gleaming male Citrine Wagtail
flew past us and disappeared up stream and eight Bee-eaters followed behind.
Red-footed Falcon |
Red-footed Falcon |
Little Bittern |
Pied and Spotted Flycatchers flicked through the figs and although it was
generally quiet an Orphean Warbler showed very well from the van.
Eastern Orphean Warbler |
The Upper
Ford was similarly subdued but an adult Night Heron stared at us from the
shadows and Turtle Doves came down to drink.
We ventured a little up beyond the ford and found a pair of Woodchats
collecting nest material and three more Turtle Doves fed under a solitary
olive. A Southern Comma was the only butterfly seen.
Night Heron |
Balkan Green Frog |
Woodchats |
Woodchats |
Southern Comma |
The journey home was broken by a short stop in the wooded Lagada valley with
the concrete bridge to the west of Mesotopos where a Middle-spotted Woodpecker
was watched feeding young at its nest while two Persian Squirrels quarrelled
over the old hole just 18 inches below the active nest! A third, tailless, Squirrel was seen behind
us and we went from none at all on this trip to five in a day!
Middle-spotted Woodpecker
Persian Squirrel |
Persian Squirrel |
A comfort stop at the hotel that (included an ice cream) and we were off down
the saltpans again. Whiskered and Little Terns were on the Alykes Wetlands with
three Spotted Redshank amongst the other usual waders and a Grey Plover called
overhead but we could not find it. The water is going really fast and all the
dabbling duck had gone but three Squacco fed close to the road. News of three
White-winged Black Terns saw us nipping back up towards the main road where
they played in the golden sunlight over a hayfield with both species of Stork
for company.
White-winged Black Terns |
White-winged Black Tern & Olympus |
Black Stork |
Double Stork Action |
Black-winged Stilt |
Black-winged Stilt |
A G’n’T was beckoning and so we called it a day...
Hard to beat - a male Spanish Sparrow |
Nice review Howard. Saw the Philaeus Chrysops in Italy recently, a striking Jumping Spider. Also, like you, I noticed that the Butterflies were not as numerous as usual.