pesky mosquito ensured that I was up early for a look around the gardens of Hotel de Campo before
breakfast. It was still too dark really
but you could see the eyes of Spectacled Caiman all across the lagoon where the
villagers were fishing yesterday. The
usual heron assortment were present and the Spot Breasted Wrens were singing
well. Two Grey-headed Chachalacas dropped in to say good morning. A swift meal
and then we were off just a few minutes down the road to the jetty for our
early morning excursion along the Negro.
Grey-headed Chachalacas |
was calm and idyllic with just the soft phut phut of the boat and the
birds. Cattle Egrets were still leaving
their roost trees and Green and Amazon Kingfishers flashed by while Hoffmann’s
and Lineated Woodpeckers were in the riverside trees.
Cattle Egrets |
Cattle Egrets |
Amazon Kingfisher |
and Bare-throated Tiger Herons lined the shores and we encountered three
juveniles of the latter which gives you a much better idea of where the Tiger
part of their name comes from. For me these
stripy bitterns were one of the best birds of the trip.
Green Heron - not the best shot but the shadow looks like a plucked chicken... |
Green Heron |
adult Bare-throated Tiger Heron |
juv Bare-throated Tiger Heron |
a darker juv Bare-throated Tiger Heron |
Parrots, Finsch’s, Olive Throated and Orange Chinned Parakeets fed in the
flowering trees although I never saw them sharing a tree and Orchard Orioles
and our first Greyish Saltators moved through the trees.
Finsch’s Parakeets |
Olive Throated Parakeets |
Orange Chinned Parakeet |
Orchard Oriole |
Caiman lined the banks and looked far more agile and elegant than the monster
Crocs from the Tarcoles although calling a three metre lizard small is to do
them a disservice.
I presume to be Black River Turtles appeared from time to time and the tree
tops were decorated with huge Green Iguanas collecting some vitamin D. Not one of them was green in any shade.
Caiman & American Purple Gallinule |
Caiman |
Caiman |
Caiman |
Caiman - a monster |
Black River Turtle? |
Black River Turtle? - Steve Cullum |
Green Iguanas |
Green Iguanas |
and Neotropic Cormorants surveyed us from overhangs and it was good to find
another couple of Boat Billed Herons as well as the usual commoner fare.
Anhinga |
Neotropic Cormorants |
Neotropic Cormorant & Snowy Egret |
Little Blue Heron |
Snowy Egret |
Great White Egret |
Great Blue Heron |
Great Blue Heron |
Great Blue Heron |
Boat Billed Heron |
first stop took us to a viewpoint where you could imagine a vast marsh in the
wet season. It was now largely dry but
there were White Ibis poking around and loosely with them our first Green Ibis
with their half-size legs.
Green Ibis |
Green Ibis |
White Ibis |
and Spotted Sandpipers, Northern Jacanas, Southern Lapwings and Black-necked
Stilts fed in the channel and Clay Coloured Thrushes, Great-tailed Grackles and
a pair of Bronzed Cowbirds hopped around the greensward. The male Cowbird had a very puffed out nape
and truly Devilish eyes!
Bronzed Cowbird |
Great-tailed Grackle |
Kingbirds and Yellow-bellied Elaenias came down to snatch prey and Ruddy Ground
Doves erupted from the edges.
Northern Jacanas with politically incorrect little yellow hats of Oriental origin |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Southern Lapwing, Ruufous naped Woodrail and Solitary Sandpiper |
Southern Lapwing |
quick walk through an education centre and we were soon watching a Common Potoo
on his day roost, trying hard to blend in with his chosen trunk. These birds look so different to when they
are out hunting.
Common Potoo
Common Potoo
House Wren
on the boat and we passed a pair of Ringed Kingfishers and a snuggled family of
Groove-billed Anis a got a more prolonged view of a Golden Olive Woodpecker.
Ringed Kingfisher |
Groove-billed Anis |
Golden Olive Woodpecker |
river branched and we headed up a narrower tributary and almost immediately a
Sungrebe surfaced alongside and calmly drifted past. I had no idea that it was
going to be so small being about Teal size I suppose and although it looked
quite drab there was actually a bluey sheen to the crown and hind neck. Being
in the water meant that we could not see the stripy feet but just seeing this
tricky species was enough.
Sungrebe |
Sungrebe- Steve Cullum |
moored again a little further up river and wandered along a raised trail which
turned out to be very productive with Barred Antshrikes showing very well along
with a rather plain Canebrake Wren with a big supercillium.
Barred Antshrike |
female Barred Antshrike - Steve Cullum |
White-throated Crakes crept along at our feet with a couple of glowing
Prothonotary Warblers for company and a seriously grumpy Roadside Hawk shouted
down at us and did lots of hard staring. A
tangle of liana strewn trees looked good to Steve for Olivaceous Piculet and
voila there they were with four of this tiny woodpecker clambering around the
vines. They were olive coloured with
fine head spotting and I could see an orangey spot on the forecrown of
one. White could be seen in the tail but
it did not feel like outer tail feathers and more like alternates?
Roadside Hawk |
Roadside Hawk - Steve Cullum |
Olivaceous Piculet |
Olivaceous Piculet |
Olivaceous Piculet |
Prothonotary Warbler |
Large-billed Seed-finch briefly sat over the path and Chestnut Sided Warblers
were calling.
Large-billed Seed-finch |
We came to another big wetland view and a scan round added
Pectoral and Semi-palmated Sandpipers to the tally along with Least Sandpiper,
Stilts and three Greater Yellowlegs.
Greater Yellowlegs & Blue Winged Teal |
Green and White Ibis were in the pastures
and Roseate Spoonbills and Limpkins could be seen further back.
Green Ibis |
South American Peacock |
A female Blue Ground
Dove perched up and gave a good prolonged view although we passed it off as a
Common at the time so I think that some of you may have just got yourselves an
armchair tick. Amazingly a steely grey
male Blue Ground Dove whizzed past under our noses!
female Blue Ground
Dove |
same view held a small flycatcher that came close enough to give itself up as a
Northern Beardless Tyrannulet. It was a skittish little thing and was soon on
the move again.
looked round and picked up a Mangrove Cuckoo trying to demolish a caterpillar
in the grass. It stayed put and at least
everyone managed to get onto it this time which was a relief. A Northern Waterthrush tiptoed through the
same grassy patch.
Northern Beardless Tyrannulet |
Mangrove Cuckoo |
Mangrove Cuckoo |
above there was a huge push of Turkey Vultures and with them were no fewer than 23
Swainson’s Hawks but not one Broad-winged.
Turkey Vultures &
Swainson’s Hawks |
Swainson’s Hawks & Turkey Vulture
such a good thermal it was not surprising that Northern Crested Caracaras, two Jabirus
and some Wood Storks decided to go for a ride too.
Northern Crested Caracara |
Northern Crested Caracara |
Northern Crested Caracara - Steve Cullum |
Wood Storks |
Wood Storks |
Jabiru |
Jabiru |
Jabiru |
Jabiru |
the end of the path was a sign and on that sign was a Black Collared Hawk
decked out in chestnut tones. Have just noticed in my rubbish picture that
there were one each of Black and Turkey Vulture on the ground underneath so
presumably something had succumbed!
Black Collared Hawk & friends |
Black Collared Hawk- Steve Cullum |
end of trail overlooked a huge wetland area with Caiman and horses dotted
around and we found both Yellow-legs and some Stilts but the time was pressing
on and we had to start our return journey.
Black Vultures
Black Necked Stilt - Steve Cullum
Southern Lapwing - Steve Cullum |
species encountered were almost the same on the way back with some more good views
of the three Kingfishers, various herony things and a Rufous-naped Woodrail.
Amazon Kingfisher |
Amazon Kingfisher - Steve Cullum |
Finsch's Parakeet - Steve Cullum |
Rufous-naped Woodrail |
Green Heron - Steve Cullum |
Spotted Sandpiper - Steve Cullum |
White Ibis - Steve Cullum |
we disembarked a large flock of Wood Storks circled overhead but I am unsure as
to whether they are also migratory like the passage Turkey Vultures? A Tropical Pewee hawked from a stick and very
trusting fisherman was up to his armpits in the lagoon where we had seen
Caiman on the way in.
Wood Storks |
Such confidence - Steve Cullum |
Caribbean Yellowface (Neoerythromma cultellatum) |
Tropical Pewee |
Striped Saddlebags (Tramea calverti) |
to the Hotel de Campo for quick pack and departure with a quick scurry around the
gardens adding Yellow Warbler, Grey-headed Dove, Streak-headed Woodcreeper and
two confiding Olive-throated Parakeets before I got tooted by the bus with six
and a half minutes still left on my birding clock.
Streak-headed Woodcreeper |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper |
Olive-throated Parakeets |
Sunbathing hound |
Steve wandered off for a fag and found these Spider Monkeys! They had moved on before anyone else got there |
White-winged Dove - Steve Cullum |
had a long journey ahead of us which to be honest was largely uneventful with a
couple of Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures early on and Osprey and Roadside Hawks along the
way. We did get stuck behind a couple of
sugarcane tractors trailers and trucks weighed down with oranges and not long
after we had passed the last one we stopped for a toilet brake at a cafe
renowned for its huge Green Iguanas that loiter around the front entrance like
a pack of very well armoured bouncers. Meanwhile I took some shots of the
Grey-breasted Martins on the wires before we moved on.
Arenal way off in the distance |
Arenal |
The Yellow Tree |
Phil calculating the number of oranges it would take to fill the truck we had been following for an hour... |
Green Iguana |
Grey-breasted Martin |
Grey-breasted Martin |
Grey-breasted Martin |
Grey Capped Flycatcher |
was a laborious affair and the food was nice but it took another 90 minutes out
of the day and by the time we arrived at Tapirus Lodge in the Braulio Carrillo national park it was getting late. We were greeted
by a Three Toed Sloth (and some staff), dropped our bags off and met up quickly
for a forest walk.
Our Lodge |
Three Toed Sloth |
It was quiet but we did see
White-breasted Wood Wren, Tawny-crested and Carmiol’s Tanagers, both Toucans
and Black-throated Trogon. All of the specialities were silent and we were after
Umbrella Bird if we could. Steve said
that they liked horizontal branches ‘like that one up there with a Nighthawk on
it’. I did the classic double take and called
eyes on this big Nighthawk laid out along the branch above. We tried to get
everyone on it but rather inexplicably it flew and we were left with a shaky
picture and a shared pool of memories to eventually identify it as a
Chuck-wills-widow. This is a passage
bird in Costa Rica and is seldom encountered as it often perches up trees
rather than near or on the ground.
Chuck-wills-widow - Steve Bird |
Yellow-throated Toucans |
Yellow-throated Toucan - Steve Cullum |
We had a little time before our dark
walk and so spent it watching the Dusk Hawkers dashing around the veranda with
several really big Magnificent Megadarners (Staurophlebia reticulata).
Neither ever landed to give us a good look. As it got darker the sound
of cicadas filled the air and the whinnying of both Little and Great Tinamous
could be heard through the insect drone and what appeared to be a Central
American Woolly Possum crashed clumsily through the low canopy.
Great Tinamou in song with cicada accompaniment
The local hotel guide took us for a
short night walk along the trail we had been on just a short while before which
allowed us to get some great views of several frog species including Red-eyed and
Masked Tree Frog, Dink and Rocket Frogs and a Litter Toad. We were pretty good
at finding stuff and found a black Scorpion, several wolf spiders that seemed
to like waiting on the top of handrail poles, numerous Crickets and Katydids
but no birds although we did hear a Central American Pygmy Owl briefly.
Masked Tree Frog |
Dink Frog |
Rocket Frog |
'ello' |
Scorpion on a trunk - about 3 inches long |
look at those antennae! |
Time for dinner which was interrupted
during the log by the Pygmy Owl again and we spent the next hour following them
around the complex as they sung from the highest point of almost every single
tree. Trying to find a sparrow sized owl
25m up a tree is not easy and we had to be content with a couple of ‘there it
goes’ flight views and the constant singing.
Another bonus was had with a
delightful Kinkajou that was making its way down the wires of the cable car
before stopping and realising that it had a delighted audience, shyly and
trickily did a 360 turn and retraced his steps using his tail as a counter
balance and fifth limb.
It had been a long day and those Owls
spent most of the night going ‘pooh pooh
pooh’ above our Lodges.
Just what I need on lockdown, the new camera seems to be proving it's worth both in Costa Rica and at home, some nice "arty" shots on your local walk.