Yesterday was a very simply day. I came north of the river
to do a few little pick up and drop off jobs and then headed along the A13 to
Canvey with the intention of having a look at the infamous Canvey Ditch and its
The four Emerald Damselflies and Blue Eyed Hawkers are the
main attraction and perhaps you would ask why I would come back into Essex when
there are heaps in North Kent near home? Well, the BEHs around Cliffe and so on
are on still wet, luxuriant ditches with almost no way of looking into them and
although you will see them patrolling, getting a chance to take a picture is
another matter.
Canvey Ditch on the other hand is almost bone dry and grazed
and trampled and you can meander back and forth and view from both sides. The Emeralds also love the dry conditions.
I spent a pleasant visit there where thankfully the light
breeze dissuaded the Clegs from being too much of a problem. The BEHs were holding territories along the
whole length and I counted 29 males and a solitary female that had one of the
males firmly attached.
They are such an engaging dragonfly; bold and brazen and in
your face if you step into their patch. At least this gives you a fair chance
to have a got a trying for some flight shots as they often hover in roughly the
same spots before zooming off again.

I have been practicing and experimenting with my Sony RX10
mkIV at flight shots of birds and such like and have had a go at a few insects
on the wing but this time I put the effort in and was well rewarded. I have it set on the autofocus setting that
still allows me to manually ‘push’ something into focus that it is having
trouble finding and there was just enough time in a hover moment o do this and
get a shot off – sometimes two if I was lucky. I still only used single shot as
I can’t be bothered with going through a heap of near identical out of focus
images. I even tried it on shutter priority as well as aperture and the higher
shutter speed certainly helped. I am
still learning but this little session has certainly given me the confidence to
keep trying.
If the sun briefly disappeared then they might briefly
settle from their patrols although hw one or two of them were even flying given
the state of their wings is anyone’s guess. I even found one quietly devouring
a Ruddy Darter.
How is this getting airborne? |
Snack time |
The Emerald Damselflies were quite tricky to get close too
and the two Southerns that I saw escaped my camera but I did see several chunky
Scarce, slender Common and a female Willow that was my first of the year and thicker
of body than I am used to seeing.
I will have a go at getting these right... please do correct!
Scarce ED |
Scarce ED
Scarce ED |
Scarce ED |
Scarce ED |
Willow ED |
Ruddy Darter |
Ruddy Darter |
Ruddy Darter love grip |
Ruddy Darter |
Tiny baby Common Lizards were in the ditch bottom and I
found a few hoverflies including Eristalis aenus and Eupeodes latifasciatus.
Eristalinus aeneus |
male Eupeodes latifasciatus... I think |
Several Wasp Spiders were my first encountered this season
and Meadow, Field and Lesser Marsh Grasshoppers along with Short and
Long-winged Coneheads were to be seen.
Wasp Spider |
Short- winged Conehead |
Having escaped getting devoured by Clegs I decided to head
for Canvey Wick for a walk round. I have only been once before and already rank
it probably second on the Dogshitometer for the level of how tricky it
is to avoid steaming piles in the first 300 yards. Only Cliffe Pools (3rd) and The
Naze (1st) deserve similar status.
That aside I had a pleasant walk around although the cloud
was building up a little. Three male
Blue Eyed Hawkers were along the main path and I found Southern, Brown and
Migrant further out towards Holehaven Creek.
I found two flurry bees on a dead flower head and they allowed
me to take some pics but they were not a Colletes as I thought but male
Dasypoda hirtipes which I have not come across before.
male Dasypoda hirtipes |
I found some flowering Fennel which had a few Wasps
including two nectaring male and two female Bee Wolves on it along with Eriothrix
rufomaculata and Eristalis arbustorum.
Philanthus triangulum male - yellow - not reddy behind the eyes and half the size of female |
Six Spot Burnet |
The tide was almost full in at Holehaven Creek and there
were some glowing clumps of Golden Samphire growing just below high tide with
their feet wet.
Golden Samphire |
I continued on the loop around but saw little else but
scattered patched of naturalised Rose Campion amongst the carpets of yellow
Fleabane. I tiptoed my way back to the main path finding Jersey Cudweed, Blue Fleabane, Red
Bartsia and the not quite rip fruits of Sea Buckthorn on the way.
Blue Fleabane |
Jersey Cudweed |
Jersey Cudweed |
Bartsia |
Sea Buckthorn |
Rose Campion |
And thus my adventuring was done for the day and I had no
idea at that stage just how good my dragonfly shots actually were...
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