I worked through the Bank Holiday at Rainham and as expected
it was busy but I still managed to snaffle a few minutes here and there with
the camera and even completed a full circuit with a few jobs in hand on
The weather had at last started to improve by Thursday 27th and
my jobs took me down toward the woodland to start with where there were many
distractions along the way. I had been
bemoaning the fact that I had almost got to the end of May without a single
species of Odonata but thankfully this was quickly remedied with numerous
Blue-tailed and Azure Damselflies and a few teneral Common Blues.
All Azure Damselflies
I found plenty of Dock Bugs and a smart Hairy Shieldbug as
well as my first Wasp Beetle for many years which was smaller than I
remembered. Seven, 14 and 24 Spot Ladybirds
were dotted around and Nettle Tap moths were, umm, on the Nettles.
7 Spot Ladybirds |
14 Spot Ladybirds |
24 Spot Ladybird |
Dock Bug
Hairy Shieldbug |
Wasp Beetle
Nettle Tap
As ever hoverflies distracted me and a amongst a few regular
species were the first Tropidia scita and Parhelophilus sp of the year. I did
not bother catching the latter to check for the presence or absence of a hairy
wart on the inside of the upper back leg...
Helophilus pendulus
Parhelophilus sp
Parhelophilus sp
Pyrochroa serriticornis and a Phyllobius weevil were seen
and Pisaura mirabilis waited with legs tandemed on exposed leaves while
Xysticus Crab Spiders lurked deeper into the folds. They always look like they have very grumpy
old man faces.
Pyrochroa serriticornis |
Xysticus Crab Spider |
Holly and Common Blues danced around with many Green veined
Whites and the odd Peacock and Speckled Wood and I found an interesting Empid
that I am awaiting some advice on.
Empid sp
Green-veined White
I found three different Jumping Spiders with Zebra Jumper,
the feisty Ant-mimic and the yellow palped Heliophanus although this one needs
closer examination to get it to species.
female Heliophanus sp
Synageles venator
Off toward the Ken Barrett Hide I found several male
Red-tailed and Early Bumblebees on the Dandelions and Common Carders on the
White Dead Nettles. There were several
very red bodied small Nomada Bees which I think are Nomada fabriciana (for the
Bombus pascuorum |
Bombus lapidarius
Nomada fabriciana |
Nomada fabriciana |
Kentish and Dark-lipped Hedge Snails were laying low in the
Nettle beds and I found another Parhelophilus Hoverfly and a funky little Rove
Beetle that I may just have pinned down the id on due to its dark knee joints!
Kentish Snail
Meadow Buttercup
Paederus fuscipes - Rove Beetle |
Lucilia sp
Celery Leaved Buttercup |
There was a brood of Great Crested Grebes and one of Pochard
on Aveley Pool and Bearded Tits were frantically foraging in the small reed
island from the second platform before returning to the main Phrag bed. They were joined by Reed Warblers and two
Reed Buntings and it was good to at last encounter several males of the latter
in full song on the trails.
Reed Bunting |
Five Hobbies suddenly appeared from nowhere to chase down
aerial insects and Marsh Harrier and Buzzard were up over the back on
Wennington. I had just been asked by a
couple about Spoonbills and said that we had not one in May yet but there was
always a chance when ten minutes later I got to the Target Pool platform to
discover a fine breeding plumaged adult busily swing that amazing bill from
side to side before occasionally coming up for air.
Hobby |
Spoonbill |
More Bearded Tits pinged around and several well grown
juveniles were seen clambering through the reeds as I turned to head back to
the Centre passing some young Lapwings in the Ouzel Field and a wondrous floral
spread of Garlic Mustard on one side of the path and Cow Parsley on the other.
Cow Parsley |
Garlic Mustard |
Marsh Frogs serenaded me on the way back and a fine female
sat on the path for a while before leaping for cover.
Marsh Frog
Friday, as I have already written, was spent up in
Cambridgeshire but on Saturday 29th I was lucky enough to get out for a couple of
hours with as part of the Land of the Fanns Art Festival walk. Most of the
small group had never visited the reserve before and I think that they were all
impressed that there could be such a wondrous green space enclosed by so much
modernity and industry. None of them had
seen the Marsh Frogs before and they performed admirably for me and just after
talking about the Thames having both Seals, ‘Bob’ the bull Grey surfaced mid-river on his daily float up
river with the incoming tide. Two
Harbour Seals were hauled up on the Kent side to give us an unusual double.
Marsh Frog
Bob the Grey Seal
Harbour Seals
Sunday 30th saw me north of the river nice and
early to give me enough time to get into Grays Gorge once again but this time
with a Bird’s Nest Orchid map to hand.
Thanks to Enid it was spot on and was soon lying down in the leaf little
with these strange caramel brown flowers.
I had only ever seen them in their final shrivelled days so it was good
to find many with fresh flowers in their spikes and amongst the 30 or so seen
was one particular clump that proved the most photogenic.
Bird’s Nest Orchid |
There were now many Twayblade out on flower and one or two
Common Spotted while the Man Orchid spires were even more numerous and
incredibly varied in colour. After my excitement
of the yellow one at Ranscombe I was quite surprised to find lots like it
here. For a subtle Orchid they are
actually very easy to take loads of photos of!
The Round leaved Wintergreen was now flowering too and there was a
lovely patch of Sanfoin in shocking pink.
Twayblade |
Man Orchids
Common Spotted Orchid and Twayblade
Round leaved Wintergreen |
Sanfoin |
Back at the reserve a quick look before work produced two
Ring-necked Parakeets dropping down for a cautious drink on Purfleet Scrape and
there were already two Harbour Seals beached on the Kent side.
Ring-necked Parakeets |
The rest of the Bank Holiday was spent on Reception out the
front of the building but with a few snatched moments with my camera around the
closest vegetation and flowers. As it
was it turned out to be very productive with the undoubted highlight being two
brand new Hoverfly species. Both were troubling
me and needed expert help to pin them down to species. Neither was illustrated in Ball and Morris
and even they were confused to start with.
Anasimyia transfuga |
Anasimyia transfuga |
Meligramma euchromum |
Meligramma euchromum |
The first Merodon equestris of the season in two colour
forms and a female egg laying Eupeodes luniger were also seen on the same patch
along with a host of bees that included many worker Early Bumble and Common
Merodon equestris |
Merodon equestris |
Eupeodes lunger
Tiny Little Blue Carpenter Bees with shiny white faces zipped in and
out of the Beaked Hawksbeard that I had saved from the Black Ops mowing team
where they were out-weighed by massive Small and Green veined Whites and Holly
Little Blue Carpenter Bees - Ceratina cyanea
Green veined White
Holly Blue
Holly Blue |
Small White
A very smart
Ten Spot Ladybird was found along with many
Seven Spots and all were heading towards the Aphid laden Elders.
There was a huge
Queen German Wasp having a
wash and a very large, as yet, unnamed
Tachinid was keeping an eye on her just
in case.
Ten Spot Ladybird |
Tachinid |
Tachinid |
German Wasp- Vespa saxonica
Closer leaf watching produced a
Box Bug and my first
Pied Shieldbug of the year and I remembered to go and check the
Pendulous Sedge
for the tiny bug,
Cymus glandicolor that lives on it.
Box Bug
Cymus glandicolor |
Pied Shieldbug |
My two days off were well spent ambling the Kentish
countryside before a whole day back at Rainham watching a solid wall of rain
falling in front of me yesterday. There
were many swirling, screaming Swifts, a distant Cuckoo, some very wet House
Sparrows and a couple of sensible Magpies that as usual sought shelter in the toddlers
play house until they realised that it was never going to stop and came back
out again!
And so to today, Saturday 5th June was spent with
the same view but minus the rain and with glorious sunshine. The Hobbies were back and the Raven family
seemed to enjoy getting harried by the Carrion Crows and Jackdaws before
rolling back south towards home.
Dog Rose
Small White
My flower patch again produced the goods with both Bryony
Ladybird and Bryony Bees on the expected plant and the now flowering Dog Roses
attracting Bumbles and a couple of big black Andrena pilipes while the
Hawksbeard added another new species to my list with the red and black bodied
Andrena labiata along with a very small Megachile with orange hairs underneath.
Bryony Bee - Andrena florea
Andrena labiata |
Andrena labiata |
Andrena labiata |
Early Bumblebee - Bombus pratorum
Early Bumblebee - Bombus pratorum |
Osmia bicornis - female
Nomada goodeniana
Honey Bee
There was a late female Epistrophe eligans and both sexes of
Eupeodes corollae as well as many Episyrphus balteatus but the surprise was
another Anasimyia but not the A transfuga of last week but a female A.lineata
Anasimyia lineata |
Anasimyia lineata |
Epistrophe eligans |
Episyrphus balteatus |
Eupeodes corollae |
A Tropidia scita scurried around a leaf with his over
developed hind femora. I pictured him
down at the gym eyeing up the Eristalis tenax and wishing he could have thighs
like that...
Tropidia scita |
Harlequins and a black Two Spot Ladybird joined the list and
a male Broad Bodied Chaser rocketed through but did not linger. Almost my last find of the day was this very
funky little Picture Winged Fly that I think is the species that is tied to Sea
Aster which of course grows not far away.
Harlequin |
Two Spot Ladybird |
Two Spot Ladybird |
Campiglossa plantaginis - Sea Aster PWF
With the public all gone it was time for the House Sparrows
to return to the tables and I left them in peace and headed for home.
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