On Friday I took Barry Jones for a walk around my Ranscombe patch. It was not overly warm but there was just enough sporadic sunshine to
tempt out a few insects on the way.
We started in the main car park as I neglected to have a
good look on Tuesday and was pleased to see that they Nettle-leaved Bellflowers
were now out and swaying I the breeze.
There was plenty of Field Scabious but no Andrena hattorfiana in
attendance yet.
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Nettle-leaved Bellflower |
I took us through Longhoes to show off the Broad-leaved
Cudweed, Vervain and Long-stalked Cranesbill picking up a few flies and regular
butterflies on the way.
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Long-stalked Cranesbill |
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Alder Buckthorn |
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Greater Knapweed |
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Old Man's Beard |
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Whitebeam - summer moves on |
We cut up into the Valley where the fields were even more
yellow than earlier in the week and we stopped on the way down to check out the
Hoverflies and Ectemnius wasps attending the Hogweed. A huge dark Crab Spider Xysticus bifasciatus
was found lying in wait for breakfast.
It was the same size as Misumea vatia of which I found a bright greeny
yellow female on some Scabious.
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Eristalis pertinax |
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Misumena vatia |
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Xysticus bifasciatus |
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Xysticus bifasciatus |
We were drawn into the Monet style flower haze of The Valley
where the lilac of Creeping Thistles has now joined the palette and clumps of
tall super soft Perennial Sow-Thistles formed blocks of deeper yellow amongst the
paler Bristly and Hawkweed Ox-tongue. I never
tire of seeing this landscape. It is just a pity that it is now so rarely encountered
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Perennial Sow-Thistles |
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Wild Oats |
Our route took us to the little chalk meadow up on the ridge
by Mill Wood where the Hemp and Common Agrimony were both in flower although in
starkly different forms and I was happy to find a single Clustered Bellflower
already in bloom. Marbled Whites skipped
around us along with a few Browns and Skippers.
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Clustered Bellflower |
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Hemp Agrimony |
The path through Mill Wood was quiet with much of the same
flora but with the addition of Hairy and Perforate St John’s Worts before I
dropped us back down to Kitchen Field via a little clearing with Wild
Strawberries and our first Silver Wash Fritillary.
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Hairy St John’s Worts |
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Harlequin Ladybird |
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Robin's Pin Cushion |
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Sicus ferrugineus |
There was still one flower on the Corncockle and I found
Wall Speedwell and a tiny Venus’ Looking Glass on the walk up to lunch on the
bench bat the top. A Brown Argus and Small
Heath were added and an Emperor Dragonfly cruised around.
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A Tachinid |
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A very tatty Small Tort |
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Venus’ Looking Glass |
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Wall Speedwell |
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Brown Argus |
We showed a couple of botanising ladies some of the immediate
specialities before continuing up and into the woods. Once we had crested the
rise there we spied a dog Fox on the path in front. He looked at us and trotted closer before
veering back off into the verge.
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Foxpie |
Meadow Browns and Ringlets were in abundance and being quite
cool were often sunning with wings open along with Red Admirals, Comma and all
three Skippers. A White Admiral cruised
in abut as usual did not linger.
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Large Skipper |
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Meadow Brown |
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Ringlet |
Chrysotoxum festivum and bicinctum were holding territories
over the Brambles with three Eristalis species and stroppy Helophilus
pendulus. There were a few Cheilosia and
a couple of Eumerus too.
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Chrysotoxum bicinctum |
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Chrysotoxum festivum |
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Eumerus sp |
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Helophilus pendulus |
Dark and Speckled Bush Crickets were found and a superb
Anthophora furcata came in and conveniently showed of its ginger bum. There were many Wolf Spiders with sacs and I
think they are Pardosa saltans (well no one has ever told me otherwise!) and
several large Nursery Web Spiders, one of which tried to catch a very tatty
Marbled White Spot (cheers Antony).
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Anthophora furcata |
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Anthophora furcata |
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Marbled White Spot |
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Pardosa saltans |
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Pisaura mirabilis |
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Rutpela maculata |
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Speckled Bush Cricket |
I had chosen this path to bring me out near my Master Oak but
the sun was in and out and I was dubious as to whether anything may appear but
we had only been there two minutes when Barry picked up one if not two Emperor butterflies power gliding around the canopy! We waited
until the sun popped back out but had no more sightings but at least they are
once again a feature of my local patch.
Pleased with this little slice of luck I dropped back down
the ridge passing my bee bank on the way where lots of Colletes were in
attendance (thanks Grant) before getting back to the farmland where Skylarks
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male Colletes sp |
The Bramble edges were once again
superb with both Xylota on the leaves along with a few other flies and Roesel’s Bush Crickets were amongst the
Meadow and Field Grasshoppers. A White Admiral came down and actually stopped for
a warm on the Bracken and allowed a close approach and Commas were very
numerous and vibrant.
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Blepharipa pratensis |
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Empid - seems different to the one below |
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Empis tessellata |
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Hairy Shieldbug |
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Small White |
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Red Soldier Beetles |
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Thelaira nigrina |
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White Admiral |
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White Admiral |
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Comma |
I rescued a Summer Chafer from the path and down at the
last of the flowering Rough Mallow I got to scrutinise a couple of Xanthogramma
that I am sure were both X.pedissequum.
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Rough Mallow |
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Summer Chafer |
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Xanthogramma pedissequum |
From here I followed the same route back up to Merrals Shaw
as on Tuesday adding a furry legged Lasioglossum xanthopus and a couple of calling
Bullfinches before we got back to the car after a successful amble.
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Lasioglossum xanthopus |
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male Megachile |
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Red Admiral |
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The wondrous last year's seeds of Common Gromwell |
Empire Livida maybe
ReplyDeleteA great walk with so much to see. Thank you Howard for opening my eyes to so many flowers and insects.