It has been a quiet week with a failed day out to Essex on
Monday and a family outing to a crispy Wimpole Hall in Cambridgeshire on
Tuesday where a host of Tachina fera on some Spearmint and some mighty fine Shire
Horses were the highlight. Now, I
normally hide over the course of Bank Holidays but the unexpected appearance of
the Senior Wrens (minus Wrenlings) this morning resulted in Antony and I
heading out to Queendown Warren while the ladies went shopping.
It was warm and generally bright and we were pleasantly
surprised by the profusion of butterflies still on the wing and in the course
of our circuit we found good numbers of Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper and in
particular, Brown Argus along with vivid Common Blues, tatty lightening blue Chalkhills and gleaming electric blue Adonis.
Some of the latter were still exceptionally vibrant.
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Adonis Blue |
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Adonis Blue |
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Adonis Blue |
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Adonis Blue - so good to see after just a worm spring one |
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Chalkhill Blue |
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Chalkhill Blue |
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Chalkhill Blue |
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Chalkhill Blue |
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Common Blue |
All three Whites, Speckled Wood, an immaculate Small Copper,
Brimstone and at least four Silver Spotted Skippers were seen across the warren.
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Silver Spotted Skipper |
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Silver Spotted Skipper |
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Silver Spotted Skipper |
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Small Copper |
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Brown Argus |
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Brown Argus |
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Brown Argus |
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Meadow Brown |
Pyrausta purpuralis and aurata were regularly put up and the
grass moth, Agriphila tristella were noted amongst many migrant Grass
Veneers. Antony found two other smart
little moths with the Pyrausta shaped Evergestis limbata and the dinky
strawberries and cream of a Neocochylis hybridella. Several Hummingbird Hawkmoths careened up and
down the woodland edge where Migrant Hawkers patrolled in packs and a Mother of
Pearl did the usual trick of alighting upside down out of view.
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Agriphila tristella |
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Evergestis limbata |
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Neocochylis hybridella |
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Rush Veneer - Nomophila noctuella |
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Pyrausta purpuralis |
The usual Grasshoppers were still around and Melitta
tricincta was still attending the last of the Red Bartsia along with a few small
Bombus pascuorum. There were a few small
Hoverflies along with a couple of Xanthogramma that only posed for flight shots
which made further scrutiny difficult as they hold the front legs up over the
all important collection of yellow spots!
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Meadow Grasshopper |
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Xanthogramma pedissequum agg |
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Machimus atricapillis |
A few Autumn Ladies Tresses were in flower but the dry weather
has, I suspect kept the numbers down this year but had not deterred the Dwarf
Thistles from forming painful rosettes wherever you wished to put a knee or
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Autumn Ladies Tresses |
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Black Bryony string of red pearls |
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Common Gromwell |
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Ploughman's Spikenard going to seed |
The young Buzzards were still mewing in the main wood and we
found at least two or possibly even three Pied Flycatchers although we never
saw even the briefest glimpse but it is an unmistakeable call once you know it and
Antony found over 20 the other day in the small cemetery near his Lowestoft
house so also already had his ear in. Invisiblefinches
came in two species with the obviously leaf coloured cryptic local form of Bullfinch
calling around us all the time and a couple of Kentish sky hued Crossbills that
we heard calling on a two occasions.
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Pied Fly in there somewhere |
Some leafmine time produced a good selection of Beech,
Hornbeam and Norway Maple before lunch called us back to Strood but not before a huge Hornet Robberfly - Asilus crabroniformis briefly appeared on the path - Antony was most impressed.
Parornix fagivora on Beech |
Phyllonorycter esperella on Hornbeam |
Phyllonorycter joanisii on Norway Maple |
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Phyllonorycter maestingella on Beech |
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Phyllonorycter maestingella on Beech |
Stigmella aceris on Norway Maple |
Stigmella tityrella on Beech |
Some quality garden lunch time added a few more mines
(whilst sitting down and checking reachable leaves!) and a couple more species
were added to the garden list by Antony while a Slow-worm showed its
displeasure at being handled by Antony and Andrea found a garden first Southern
Oak Bush Cricket under the umbrella.
Callisto denticulella folds on Crab Apple |
Southern Oak Bush Cricket - female |
Araneus diadematus were strung across every gap and Pisaura
mirabilis and a female Steatoda nobilis with an egg sac were seen. The Zygiella x-notata that I found yesterday
was in a new web between the vine strings and Speckled Woods, Whites, Comma and
a couple of Holly Blues paid a visit. A
different Willow Emerald to yesterday and a Common Darter hunted the aging
Blackberries and Migrant Hawkers patrolled the next level up while higher still
Hobby, Sparrowhawk and a growling Merlin cut through the blue.
Steatoda nobilis |
Zygiella x-notata - you can see the missing segment in the web |
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Zygiella x-notata |
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Araneus diadematus |
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Pisaura mirabilis |
Speckled Wood |
A most enjoyable day...
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