Today was meant to be one of my planned Ranscombe Walks but
having no takers did not stop me heading out into the wood mid-morning. It had warmed up quite nicely and I had it in
mind to go and check to see if the Purple Emperors were on the wings as they
have already been seen in one or two others places but thought it would be good
to take in the Poppy spectacle in The Valley that I did not quite get to last
I started at the Albatross Avenue end and spent some time
amongst the Meadow Cranesbill and Oxeye Daisies before the CTRL bridge where I
checked a few Xanthogramma for stackelbergi but all I saw well appeared to be the
equally delightful pedissequum.
Eristalis intricaria patrolled the local airspace and Meadow Browns bounced
over the blooms.
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I had this down as a male Large White... |
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Xanthogramma pedissequum |
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Eristalis intricaria |
I crossed the bridge and turned left into the first main
clearing. There were plenty of Bumbles including
Bombus vestalis and pratorum and Syrphus sp Hoverflies were everywhere. Most
that I got close to seemed to be males and I definitely got a couple of S ribesii
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Bombus pratorum |
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Seven Spot Ladybird larva |
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Syrphus sp |
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Syrphus sp |
Rutpela maculata were flying between Bramble flowers and I
also picked up Myathropa florea and a couple of Cheilosia variablis. The first Anthophora bimaculata – Green eyed
Flower Bees – were hurtling around and I nearly got a shot of one on some pink
Common Centuary which would have been nice!
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Myathropa florea |
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Phaonia ? |
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Phaonia ? |
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Cheilosia variablis |
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Common Centuary |
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Rutpela maculata |
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Mistle Thrush |
The woods were dark and quiet bar the sound of flies and
squeaky baby birds and once back out in the sunshine I soon found an interesting
stripy wasp and a gleaming Red Admiral that looked blood red with the sun
shining through it. Small Skippers were
seen along the path side and my usual patch of Small Balsam was flowering.
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Small Skipper |
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Xanthogramma pedissequum |
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Episyrphus balteatus |
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Small Balsam |
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spinous - with thanks to Grant Hazlehurst |
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Red Admiral |
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Red Admiral |
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Sicus ferrugineus |
Figwort, Common Spotted Orchids and my first Common Cudweed
for the site were found in flower and a couple of Commas and Speckled Woods
were seen before I re-joined the main trail up towards Birch Wood Corner where
I turned east back towards the actual Ranscombe Farm so that I would approach
The Valley from above.
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Common Vetch |
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Common Cudweed |
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Common Spotted Orchid |
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Figwort |
The views down the Medway was as extensive as ever with a
sea of mixed greens in contrast to what was to come. Skylarks sung over he glaucous Wheat field
and on the scattered Hogweed heads I found Small Torts, Red Soldier,
Fat-thighed and Tumbling Beetles and once again Leucozona laternaria eluded my camera!
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Skylarks |
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Small Tort |
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Red Soldier Beetle - obviously been stood up |
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Variimorda villosa |
The first view down into The Valley was spectacular as a sea
of red explodes before you and as I approached and then crossed up and through
it the colour changed with the aspect and your proximity to the flowers.
Although mostly red, it was a palette of many shades and amongst
the hot end of the spectrum there were the cooler lilacs of floppy Opium Poppy
heads and banks of yellow composites with the Perennial Sow-thistles with their
soft blooms rising over the red sea.
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The colours changed with the light and the way you were facing |
Every now and then the cobalt blue spires of Viper’s Bugloss
would erupt from within. I am always captivated by such mass floral displays
and just wish that the camera could capture more accurately what the eye sees.
I was actually paying attention to the Poppies and by
looking at the spent heads I found Rough Poppies tucked around the periphery of
the massed Field and Opium Poppies. The capsules were round and covered in bristles.
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Field Poppy |
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Field Poppy |
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Rough Poppy |
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Rough Poppy |
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Field and Rough Poppy - both flowers - both seed heads |
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Opium Poppy |
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Opium Poppy |
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Opium Poppy |
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Opium Poppy |
I cut through the bottom of Mill Wood and check on the Kitchen
Field Hogweed patch which produced my first Melangyna compositarum / labiatarum
for the site along with some Eristalis and Cheilosia illustrata.
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Melangyna compositarum / labiatarum |
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Eupeodes luniger |
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Cheilosia illustrata |
I climbed up
to the top of the Field and had lunch sitting in the shade on a horizontal
Beech bough with Speckled Woods, Ringlets, Marbled Whites and Meadow Browns flicking around
the meadow in front. A White Admiral
power glided in and did a couple of low level circuits before climbing back
into the canopy and Garden Warblers were vocal.
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Pyramidal Orchids now looking very fine indeed |
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Marbled Whites |
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Meadow Grasshopper |
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Meadow Brown |
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Broad leaved fumitory |
The path back up through the trees felt like a real slog and
I do not think that my energy levels are quite back since I had shingles at the
beginning of May. However, another break
was in order as I arrived at my Emperor Master Oak. I stood around and watched the canopy for
quite a while but nothing was moving up there although I did see several White Admirals
lower down. The firs sightings have only
been in the last couple of days so there is still plenty of time to come back
and look for them.
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White Admiral |
Painted Ladies, Red Admirals and Commas were feeding on
Brambles on the main ride and were sharing the flowers with two Longhorn Beetle species and plenty of Bees and Syrphus Hovers. Two female Broad-bodied Chasers hunted
from dead twigs and there were a few Azure Damsels around. I thought I might see a Southern Migrant
Hawker but no joy.
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Painted Lady |
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Painted Lady |
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Comma |
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Comma |
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Xanthogramma pedissequum - again |
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Xanthogramma pedissequum - again |
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Broad-bodied Chaser |
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Broad-bodied Chaser |
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Stenurella melanura |
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Azure Damselfly |
I ambled back down trying not to count Squirrels this time
and adding the fine Nettle leaf roll of the Mother of Pearl moth (thanks
Antony) and what I think is the first Tutsan I have seen at Ranscombe.
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Buzzard |
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Bracket Fungus on Beech |
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Nettle leaf roll of the Mother of Pearl moth |
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Tutsan |
A troop of dancing Poecilobothrus nobilitatus on the puddle
before the bridge made me smile before heading for home.
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Poecilobothrus nobilitatus |
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Poecilobothrus nobilitatus |
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