I realised this evening that I had missed out a blog post
from work. For one reason or another I never actually made it out for a full
circuit during June and only had a snaffled, pollen filled walk along the
Southern Trail one morning before opening up.
I actually wrote this at the time but forgot to upload it on
Sunday 13th June:
I got into work a little early today and took myself out onto the Southern
Trail for a short walk before things warmed up too much. My hayfever was
already bad so I stopped to rest my eyes for a while and decided to take the
opportunity to open my senses to what I could experience around me.
Being on the borders of a marsh always gives you the best chance of a wide
selection of wildlife but could I identify more than just the birds with my
ears? Were my other senses going to get a work-out too?
Warblers made up most of the bird song with shouty Cetti’s
in three directions and I could even tell when the Sedge Warbler
left his perch and climbed in his display flight before descending to the other
side of the path. Reed Warblers were stationary to my
ears while singing but the more I listened the more pings and chirps from Bearded
Tits became apparent.
Sedge Warbler |
Bearded Tits in the same spot a couple of weeks later
A Little Grebe trilled from the channel and I heard the
cluck of a Moorhen and the ‘shew shew’ calls of roving flocks
of juvenile Starlings. Lapwings and
Redshank were heard as they commuted to and from the Thames where I
could hear the thrum of a tanker working its way upriver.
A group of Gadwall flew over making their curious little
dry quacks and the whirring wings and croaks of Pochard
whizzed by. A couple of Swifts sounded like they were
chasing each other way above me and I could hear Herring Gulls
conversing as they drifted overhead.
Somewhere further down the Marsh Frogs were getting going
and I could hear the different tonal hums from Bumble and Solitary
Bees attending the Hemlock of Hogweed
alongside me.
Bombus terrestris in Rosa rugosa
But did I cheat and have a squint at the plants? Nope… I could smell
them. The warm musky odour of Hemlock is very much a
summer scent of Rainham Marshes and swathes of it line the paths and distant
Silt Lagoons which means that you smell it whilst driving along the A13 at this
time of year.
Hemlock - purple spotted stems help you identify this species
from other less harmful umbelifers |
The Hogweed is similarly distinctive if you are close to
it, getting its name as it does, from the strong waft of ripe pig sty that
emanates from its blousy heads. Both these species are equally attractive
to Flies as Bees. I was struggling to pick up the buzz of flies from the
buzz of bees!
Hogweed |
There were other smells to be collected as I sat and pondered with the,
well, rosy fragrance of the many bowed boughs of Dog Rose, the
tickle-your-nose peppery oilseed type Brassica and the warm,
slightly cloying scents of both Dogwood and Elder.
Dog Rose |
Dog Rose |
Dogwood |
Elder |
Your brain is a very clever organ and cleverly shields you from background
sounds and it was not until I decided to listen for them that I heard the A13
droning in the background and the quiet thunder of a Eurostar train which I
suspect was a shorter commuter Javelin as it went by all too quickly.
Having rebalanced my head and given my puffy eyes a rest I re-opened them to
the glare of a stupendously hot Sunday morning and carried on my loop.
A tumbling riot of Fodder (not Tufted) Vetch - Vicia villosa |
Totally inapproriate behaviour from a Grey Heron on the Purfleet Hide
Three Spined Sticklebacks
Back at the Centre I managed to sneak a few more wildlife moments around the
building and car park gardens. There was a nice male Marpissa muscosa lurking
on a handrail and both male and female
Salticus scenicus – the familiar Zebra Jumping spider were actually on
Marpissa muscosa - our biggest Jumping Spider
male Salticus scenicus – Zebra Jumping spider |
female Salticus scenicus – Zebra Jumping spider |
A Bee Beetle had been seen the day before and so I went and checked the
Oxeye Daisies and sure enough found one with its face shoved deep inside! A big Queen Bombus sylvestris was also
present and a Large White posed nicely.
There were Pyrasutra aurata on the Mints and a small white Misumena
vatia waiting for lunch on the Hawkweeds which it was sharing with Oedemera
Trichius gallicus - Continental Bee Beetle
Bombus vestalis
Large White
Large White |
Not sure on these happy beetles yet - look a bit like Dock Beetle
Oxeye with Box Bug
nobilis. |
vatia |
vatia |
Pyraustra aurata
A small bee was identified by Tony M and Jerry H as an Orange vented Mason
Bee, a new one on me and a Bombus sylvestris amazed me with
its ability to even fly. I found an
obliging Eristalis arbustorum on some Hogweed and a quick check of the White
Bryony revealed both Bee and Ladybird specialists still present.
Orange vented Mason
Bee (Osmia leaiana) |
Eristalis arbustorum |
Eristalis arbustorum |
Eristalis arbustorum |
Bryony Ladybird
The Rumsbys were in and a sweeping session added the first Hybomitra ciurea
Horsefly of the year with her funky eyes and a new species of Long-horn Beetle for me
with Leptura quadrifasciata along with one of the Silpha predatory beetles.
Hybomitra ciurea - Mike Rumsby
Four-banded Longhorn Beetle - Leptura quadrifasciata |
Silpha sp
Dorycera graminum - another visitor to our reception table
Salsify |
And as an add on and simply because the images do not have another home: On the 17th and just before heading down to the south west I managed an after work nip down to a roadside spot between the M2 and M20 not far from home to have a look for some spikes of magnificent Lizard Orchid. I had not seen this alien looking species for the best part of thirty years on one of our Orchid days back when birders were just discovering that there was more to life than birds!I crouched down and admired these two Kentish outliers, way off from their normal coastal homes, with cars whizzling by and the rain threatening before hastily retreating back home with a broad smile.
Lizard Orchid |
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