The party grew by one overnight with the arrival of Clive
and breakfast was enlivened by a Tree Pipit and some northbound Bee-eaters
before we headed out for the day locally. Piping hot Koulouri from the Bakers
tickled the olfactory senses despite the fact that breakfast had only just been
consumed. A group of perched Bee-eaters got us off to a grand start even before
we reached the Tsiknias and once there were quickly added an immature
Black-headed Gull and a couple of skimming lines of Yelkouan Shearwaters shimmering
into the mirror calm Bay. this was the first tme I have seen them in the Bay in the Spring.
Bee-eaters |
Eastern Olies and Nightingales were in good voice and a Cetti's
Warbler did the decent thing and perched up long enough to get the scope onto. Getting
good views of species like this is always tricky when the guests have never
seen them before! A Spotted Crake had been reported but we did not expect it to
be right out on the river edge feeding on the muddy margin. Not an annual
species here for me and not too far from where I saw my last. After ten minutes
it flew to our side of the river and was not seen again all day.
Spotted Crake |
Down at the Ford the cacophony of Acro Warbler noise was
astonishing and if anything there were even more clumsy, galumphing Great Reed
Warblers crashing about. I think that at least 20 would be an underestimate.
Blackcap, both Whitethroats and even a couple of showy Nightingales were seen
and Alpine Swifts once again came down to drink. The Little Owl was in its
usual spot.
Great Reed Warbler |
Nightingale |
The Ruff and Little Stint flock had increased and the female
Garganey was still there along with a small mixed flock of flava Wagtails that
included males of Black-headed, Grey-headed and Romanian Blue-headed.
Black-headed Wagtail |
Lotzaria Triangle revealed that many more Eastern Olies had
arrived and we had really good views of a couple of singing males.
Down to the KSP passing Spanish Sparrows and Whinchats on the way before a
good session on the Sheepfields offered us excellent views of Short-toed Lark,
Red-throated Pipits and Northern Wheatear (of the race we get in the UK) but
the highlight was a pair of Pochard that flew low over our heads and out into
the Bay!! I saw a female on my first visit in 2010 and never since. A
Stone-Curlew slowly worked its way along the beach and the Red-rumped Swallows
were nesting under the bridge.
Whinchat |
Red-throated Pipit |
Non native - Cotula coronopifolia from New Zealand |
Dwarf Mallow - Malva neglecta |
Chequered Scorpion |
Chequered Scorpion |
Bee-eater |
I followed the pans back to the main road adding Gull-billed
Tern and another Zitting Cisticola to the tally before swinging through
Kalloni, passing a perched Fat Headed Eagle (the new name from Lynne for Short
toed Eagle) and a circling Hobby and male Red-footed Falcon on the way to
Parakila for lunch which was taken in the shade of the olive groves with the
sound of purring Turtle Doves and Chaffinches. Southern Festoon and both Common and Scarce Swallowtails were seen.
Peter & Lynne do lunch |
Lesvos Sheep Van Buff |
The flowers do not feel quite the right shape on this and I reckon it may be blue Scarlet Pimpernel rather than a true Blue P.
Legousia pentagonia |
Lupinus varius |
The little harbour was birdless but still
quaint and then we turned around and headed for the chapel of Agh. Ioannis just
above that point. It was a little frustrating but there were some good birds to
be had with invisible singing Cirl and Cinereous Buntings and several
Cretzschmar's of which one did sit up for a view while Beethoven's 5th echoed
across the rocky slope. Eastern Black-eared Wheatears danced above the rocky
escarpment and a Tree Pipit did its best to remain unobserved. Clive found a
Golden Oriole way up the slope and as it flew another ten bounded along close
behind it in splashes of green, black and gold. Eastern Subalpine and Orphean
Warblers were seen with the former perching up nicely and showing that vinous

Retracing our steps brought me into the Potamia Valley from
the roadside river end which allowed us to see the first of two Purple Herons
and a Green Sandpiper. The old reservoir added Little Grebe and Coot to their
lists and Little Bittern to all and another Purple Heron flopped off. Up valley
both Masked and Woodchat Shrikes gave themselves up and Hoopoe, Crag Martin,
Fat-headed Eagles and Eastern Orphean Warblers were all found along with
numerous Spotted Flycatchers and Whinchats.
Whinchat |
Little Bittern - to think we normally have daily frame fillers! |
Woodchat |
Red-rumped Swallows |
male Masked Shrike |
Hoopoe |
The route into Metochi yielded more of the same although we
did see a Middle Spotted Woodpecker briefly before I re-found one of the male
Collared Flycatchers in the same elm hedge as Wednesday with several Spotted
and a female Pied for company. Down at the lake a drake Mallard was new and
Squacco flew over. Up over the ridge a male Goshawk sparred with two Common
Buzzards and an Eleonora's Falcon powered up the valley on elastic beats. I saw
two Rock Nuthatches but they were not really playing ball. A quick visit to the
Tsiknias as the light and temperature dropped added nothing new so we called it
a night.
After dinner and the log I took us out for a drive around
the block where several Scops Owls were heard along with Barn Owl,
Nightingales, a trillion Eastern Tree and Levant Water Frogs, some bizarre probably illegal aquatic foraging activity by three shifty geezers with head torches methodically working their way down river from the ford and the frankly
terrifying sight of Elon Musk's glittering train of satellites powering through
the starry heavens like a shining arrow of alien craft tailgating each other to the next intergalactic gig.
Volume up...
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